Electrical measurements of sputtered NiCr on grid spacers (GS2mm) Dean Walters, Anil Mane Guy Harris, Jeff Elam
Objective To deposit NiCr layer( nm/side) on grid spacers for better electrical contact. 2 As receivedAfter NiCr coating Appearance of NiCr coated grid looks good
Photograph after NiCr electrode 3 NiCr Glass Grid edges are sharp but much better than previous vender Overall deposition looks great.
Thickness values based on Resistance on the grid spacer 4 Considered Bulk rho of NiCr Pt #Resistance (ohm)Thickness (nm) Thickness non-uniformity on the grid spacer We need to improve the Thickness NU and then we can target thickness= 50nm I think 50nm uniform thickness of NiCr will be sufficient for good electrical contact? Similar number and trend observed for other side of the grid spacer
Rings of Equal Thickness (nm) – Anil’s data 5
3D Plot and Diagonal Cut Making a cut through the data using both diagonals a cross section plot was made. 6 All measurements 18.6Average 9.21Std Dev
Four groups of glass samples were coated while being taped onto the surface of the tooling. They were in locations 4, 12, 6, 14 for each set. 7 Sample ID Sheet resistance Thickness from Rs ohm/sq bulk NiCr resistivity (nm) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Grp 4 Grp 2 Grp 3 QCM=30 Avg59.93 Std Dev5.92 Avg83.88 Std Dev8.56 Avg Std Dev7.60 Avg63.53 Std Dev1.31 QCM=20 Grp 1 QCM=40 QCM=20
Conclusion Grid Data –Average of the data was 18 nm –Maximum of data was 36.8 nm Data from Flat Glass Samples –Average of Group #1 is 60 nm –Average of Group #2 is 84 nm –Average of Group #3 is 125 nm The setup for Group #1 (& #4) were the same as the grid data. There is nearly a 4X difference between those averages and the is a 2X difference the maximum point and the samples. 8