Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion Standards Citations Teacher Notes A WebQuest for 4th Grade About Mealworms Designed by – Cynthia Binkley Based on a template from The WebQuest PageThe WebQuest Page
First, your class will be divided into groups of four. Second, each group member will select a team role. Third, you will all complete the WebQuest to research mealworms. Next, your team will collaborate with one anther to design a habitat. Then, your group will construct an environment that could house the mealworm. Finally, you will present your final project for evaluation and review. Question: What information is needed to design and build a structure secure enough to contain mealworms throughout all stages of their development?
Computers with internet access. Pencils Paper Rulers Scissors Tape Containers (ie. cardboard, glass, plastic, metal) Food items Note: Additional items (including container) should be brought from home.
Your teacher has assigned you to a group. At this time, each member must choose a group role: Ecologists Your job is to find out what the Tenebrio Moltiar needs to sustain life in the wild. You must then apply this knowledge to help meet its needs in the artificial environment that your group designs as your final project. Entomologists You study insects! Find out the anatomy of a mealworm and its lifecycle stages. Analyze how these factors will play a part in the design process of the final project.
Now it’s time to work. Read through the documents on the “Hotlist” to find out as much information on mealworms as you can.
The following questions will help focus your research toward your specific role: Ecologist: 1. What type of surface would keep your mealworm contained? 2. How will you provide ventilation for the mealworm? 3. Will temperature affect the metamorphosis of the insect? 4. What are the nutritional needs of the mealworm during each stage of development? Entomologist: 1. What are the main parts of a mealworm? (Draw and label your findings). 2. What are the life cycle stages of the Darkling Beetle? ( click here for diagram). 3. What materials are recommended to house this insect?
Beginning-1Developing-2Accomplished-3Score Habitat Design Obvious escape routes; structure lacks design. Possibility of escape; structure could be improved Containment is secure; structure is neat and well- planned Efficiency of Environment No air flow; nutritional needs have not been met. Not adequate air flow; lacking some nutritional needs. Appropriate air flow; nutritional needs have been satisfied. Class Presentation Lacking essential information; presentation disorganized. Information omitted; poor organization of presentation. Well-planned; presented in a professional manner. Teamwork Struggled to cooperate and stay on task. Some difficulty cooperating and organizing tasks. Showed cooperation and efficiency when working together.
You have completed the “Mealworm Mania” WebQuest and now have the information to build a prize-winning habitat! This will not only help Mr. Mealy safely house his insects at the pet store, but will provide our classroom mealworms with a home when they arrive for our future projects. Teamwork Rocks!
Ohio Academic Content Standards –Science Ohio Academic Content Standards –Science Standard: Science and Technology Benchmark A: Design a solution or product taking into account needs and constraints (e.g., cost, time, trade-offs, properties of materials, safety and aesthetics). Standard: Scientific Ways of Knowing Benchmark C: Give examples of how thinking scientifically is helpful in daily life. Standard: Life Sciences Benchmark B: Describe the characteristics of an organism in terms of a combination of inherited traits and recognize reproduction as a characteristic of living organisms essential to the continuation of the species.
Ohio Academic Content Standards for Technology Ohio Academic Content Standards for Technology Standard 1: Nature of Technology Benchmark A: Analyze information relative to the characteristics of technology and apply in a practical setting. Standard 3: Technology for Productivity Applications Benchmark A: Demonstrate an understanding of concepts underlying hardware, software, and connectivity. Standard 5: Technology and Information Literacy Benchmark B: Use technology to conduct research and follow a research process model which includes the following: developing an essential question; identifying resources; selecting, using and analyzing information; synthesizing and generating a product; and evaluate both process and product. Standard 7: Design World Benchmark A: Develop an understanding of, and be able to, select and use physical technologies. Benchmark B: Develop and understanding of, and be able to, select and use informational technologies.
Guidelines for Effective School Library Media Programs in Ohio Guidelines for Effective School Library Media Programs in Ohio Benchmark B: Identify information needs, select school library media books and materials in a variety of formats, and demonstrate responsible use and ethical behavior when using library media materials. Benchmark D: Evaluate the accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency, coverage, and relevance of information and data sources. Benchmark E: Conduct research and follow a research process model that includes the following: develop essential question; identify resources; select, use and analyze information; synthesize and generate a product.
Have fun with your students and enjoy them everyday. Children are a blessing! Special thanks to P.S.Morris (personal communications, August 1, 2008).