Public Hearings August 25, 2015
Case: PSP Project: Stillwater Crossings & Center Bridge PD / Vineyards Townhomes Phases 2A-5 PSP Applicant: Scott Gentry, Kelly, Collins & Gentry, Inc. District: 1 Acreage:62.62 gross acres Request: To consider a recommendation from the Development Review Committee’s (DRC) meeting of April 8, 2015, to approve the Vineyards Townhomes Phases 2A – 5 Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP) to construct 192 single- family attached residential dwelling units on a total of acres. Stillwater Crossings & Center Bridge PD / Vineyards Townhomes Phases 2A-5 PSP Stillwater Crossings & Center Bridge PD / Vineyards Townhomes Phases 2A-5 PSP
Stillwater Crossings & Center Bridge PD / Vineyards Townhomes Phases 2A-5 PSP Future Land Use Map Stillwater Crossings & Center Bridge PD / Vineyards Townhomes Phases 2A-5 PSP Future Land Use Map
Stillwater Crossings & Center Bridge PD / Vineyards Townhomes Phases 2A-5 PSP Zoning Map Stillwater Crossings & Center Bridge PD / Vineyards Townhomes Phases 2A-5 PSP Zoning Map
Stillwater Crossings & Center Bridge PD / Vineyards Townhomes Phases 2A-5 PSP Aerial Map Stillwater Crossings & Center Bridge PD / Vineyards Townhomes Phases 2A-5 PSP Aerial Map
Stillwater Crossings & Center Bridge PD / Vineyards Townhomes Phases 2A-5 PSP Stillwater Crossings & Center Bridge PD / Vineyards Townhomes Phases 2A-5 PSP
Action Requested Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan (CP) and approve the Stillwater Crossings & Center Bridge PD / Vineyards Townhomes Phases 2A-5 Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP) dated “Received July 17, 2015”, subject to the conditions listed under the DRC Recommendation in the Staff Report. District 3 District 3