1.Take a quarter sheet of paper from the basket at the back of the room. 2.At the top of your paper, write: First and last name Date (9-4) And title “Civic Vol. Reading” 3.Number Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the best answer by writing the letter of the answer choice on the quarter sheet of paper. 5 questions 5 points 3 minutes
AP Review Guide Due: Mon. Sept. 30 Chapter 1 Vocabulary Due: Mon. Sept. 16 Read/Notes “Gov’t & Politics” Pgs Due: Wed. Sept. 4
Students will be able to analyze and evaluate the relationship between inequalities in participation amongst different races by participating in a Socratic Seminar.
Founded by Socrates Learning is accomplished by asking questions and receiving answers from peers Students work together to understand a text
1.Everyone has an opportunity to participate. 2.Everyone feels that they will be respected. 3.Everyone can hear what is said and who is talking.
1.You have the right to ask questions. 2.You have the right to be treated respectfully. 3.You have the right to have your ideas discussed, not you personally. 4.You have the right to be listened to carefully and to be taken seriously by your colleagues.
1.You have a responsibility to speak loud enough for others to hear. 2.You have an obligation to answer questions seriously. 3.If you cannot hear or understand what someone says, you have the responsibility to ask them to repeat or explain. 4.You have an obligation to treat others with respect. 5.You will be called on to discuss other people’s ideas, to agree or disagree, and to explain your reasoning.
1. (The Title of the Book/Excerpt) is about ___. 2. The text is organized as ___. 3. I want to add to what ___ just said about ___. 4. On page ___, I noticed ___. 5. On page ___, the author states ___. 6. I noticed on page ___, that ___ and this makes me think ___. 7. What I read about ___, it made me think ___. 8. I agree with what ___ just said because ___. 9. I disagree with what ___ just said because ___. 10. I thought something very different than ___ when I read about ___.
Each group will have a table leader. This table leader will start the discussion and get all group members involved in the discussion. 1.Socratic Seminar (20 minutes) 2.Self-Reflection: (5 minutes) 3.Writing prompt: (10 minutes)
Starting Question: How does the author (S. Karthick Ramakrishnan) evaluate race as a factor in political participation? Explain using examples from your reading “Political Participation and Civic Volunteerism”. (20 minutes)
1.Socratic Seminar (20 minutes) 2.Self-Reflection: (5 minutes) Evaluate your performance during the Socratic Seminar by completing the rubric.
1.Socratic Seminar (20 minutes) 2.Self-Reflection: (5 minutes) 3.Writing prompt: (10 minutes) On a separate sheet of paper, respond to the following prompt: Explain the relationship between race and political participation and describe by the case study in “Political Participation and Civic Volunteerism” by S. Karthick Ramakrishnan Use specific citation from the reading to support your argument.