7b Meeting Kenji – Storyboard By Jordan Bledsoe *7b is not included in the scope and sequence *I've included a mixture of English and Japanese – the English.


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Presentation transcript:

7b Meeting Kenji – Storyboard By Jordan Bledsoe *7b is not included in the scope and sequence *I've included a mixture of English and Japanese – the English so non- Japanese speakers will kind of know what's going on and the Japanese to capture the actual feel.

Hero: Man, navigating Japan is a bit harder than I was expecting, but I'm sure I can find the place.

Kenji: hello! You look a little lost. Would you like some help? Image of Kenji Inoue いや、僕、一人でできるから。 そうですね、僕、一人では、ちょっと困りますね。

Kenji: Ok, well, good luck! Image of Kenji Inoue leaving ちょっと待って下さい、やっぱり助け画必要ですね。 気にしないで、僕、アメリカ人だから自分でできる。

Student must navigate through a series of directions. This activity will use either a map or something like googlemap instructions that tell him when to do what. The map/instructions will be in Japanese. The screen will show scenes from Japan at night. The student will have to choose to turn left, right, go straight ahead, or go back. Depending on what the design team decides, the student may or may not be able to reach the destination. Perhaps HERO will simply run into Kenji again after a certain number of turns.

Kenji: so, where are you headed? Image of Kenji Inoue 君と関係ない Well, I can't read some of the characters, but here's what it says:

Kenji: If you're going to talk to me like that I might as well leave and let you figure things out on your own! Image of Kenji Inoue angry I'm sorry, I haven't got any sleep lately and... いいよ ! どうせお前の助けなんか要らなかったし、 Click on The word s You don't Know

We see an image of the address scribbled on a peace of paper. Hero: this is what it says. Should be straight ahead right?

We see an image of the address scribbled on a peace of paper. Kenji :ちょっと違いますね、右に曲がって、真っ直ぐでし ょう。

Kenji: It's actually not that far, but it will take a few minutes to get there. I'll take you there. Image of Kenji Inoue Click on The word s You don't Know

You turn right at the corner. Image of Kenji Inoue

Would you like to: Ask Kenji about his hobbies. Ask kenji about his family. Image of Kenji Inoue

Choose how you will word your question: しゅうみは何ですか 趣味はなんですか。 Image of Kenji Inoue お前は何が好き。 What kinds of hobbies do you enjoy? (said in Enlgish) Hel p

Choose how you will word your question: 君には家族いる? ご家族は何人ですか。 Image of Kenji Inoue いくらの人はご家族にいますか。 Hel p

Grammar explanation / the meanings and connotations of the words and patterns used in each sentence. Go Back

Grammar explanation / the meanings and connotations of the words and patterns used in each sentence. Go Back

Kenji: The funny smell? I don't know. Could be the drunkard over there. Ask again. What are you talking about? Image of Kenji Inoue making a strange face Click on The word s You don't Know

Kenji: well, I enjoy watching American movies. Growing up, I always loved the Indiana Jones movies, probably not as much as I liked Pokemon though. I caught them all at least twice. LOL. Hmm... I also like spending times with my family and with my friends from time to time. Pokemon? Seriously? Nice! I loved the Indiana Jones movies too! Click on The word s You don't Know

Kenji: Oh, come on, I was a kid and EVERYONE was in to pokemon. Yeah, I guess you're right. Well, even a child should know Pokemon was garbage. Click on The word s You don't Know

Ask about Kenji's family. Ask what Kenji does for work.

Image of Kenji being offended. Possible ideas: Kenji will be a little annoyed for the rest of the interactions in this node. His responses and image will show his lack of interest in continuing the conversation or opening up much. Back

The two mention some part of one of the movies and laugh together. Ask about Kenji's family. Ask what Kenji does for work.

Similar to the interaction on hobbies, HERO must navigate through a series of questions choosing either the most appropriate or the most grammatically accurate. The student is capable of clicking on words they are unfamiliar with and clicking on a button that says “help.” The help button will take the student to page on either a) why the individual choices are right or wrong or b) activities to learn new grammar patterns. My individual project for 678 will include one such grammar acivity. Go to the interaction on Kenji's Family

Kenji is a little shocked at how you've worded your sentence. He answers the question, but seems annoyed. Perhaps he won't open up as much. Back

It's clear that Kenji doesn't understand what you've said. There's some questions back and forth (not represented here). He ultimately figures out what you are asking.

Back It's clear that Kenji doesn't understand what you've said. There's some questions back and forth (not represented here). He ultimately figures out what you are asking.

Kenji is a little shocked at how you've worded your sentence. He answers the question, but seems annoyed. Perhaps he won't open up as much. Back

Kenji: 家族ですか。そうですね、母、父、僕で三人ですね。Hero君の家族は。 個人情報はちょっと。 私の家族ですか。七人の侍です。 ご家族ですか。七人ですね。 私のですか。七人ですね。 Click the Words you Don't know Help

Kenji is a little shocked at how you've worded your sentence. He answers the question, but seems annoyed. Perhaps he won't open up as much. Back

Kenji laughs and asks to which daimyou Hero's family pledges their allegiance The two negotiate an understanding Go back

Kenji is a little surprised that you aren't willing to open up a little. He becomes a little more reserved as well. back

Since HERO chose an answer that isn't correct but is understood, perhaps Kenji just grimaces a little, but ignores your mistake. A red flag should appear though to let the student know the error they've made. back

Kenji: 七人ですか。すごいですね。失礼か もしれませんが、ちょっと大きいと思いま せんか。 No, were perfected because brothers had me play with. Well, a lot of five kids is but common at USA Well, five kids is a lot, but it's not uncommon in USA. No, it was perfect because I had brothers to play with. Click the Words you Don't know Help

kenji: うらやましいな~。僕は子供の頃、一人でつまらなか ったですかね。お兄さんたちとどんなことをしました。 Click the Words you Don't know HERO and Kenji talk about what Hero did with His brothers growing up. Student must choose The appropriate/grammatically correct answer. Click here to continue.

そうなんですか。 In Japan....[cultural info on Japanese families] HERO and Kenji talk about differences between Japanese and American families. Student must choose the appropriate/grammatically correct answer. Click here to continue.

Back It's clear that Kenji doesn't understand what you've said. There's some questions back and forth (not represented here). He ultimately figures out what you are asking.

Kenji and Hero arrive at the destination (did we decide on the friend's house or the hotel? Either way works) Hero must express gratitude in a culturally appropriate way. Any conversations that haven't been ended will finish up outside of the house. *the conversation and the walk to the house/hotel may be lengthened to include more content or more information about Kenji. In the same style, the student is given the option to ask for Kenji's contact information either to do something fun together, or perhaps Kenji just gives the information offering his help. Either way, the establish a way reaching each other. FIN