Latin I Pronunciation
The Alphabet Same as ours EXCEPT… “K” is rarely used There is no “J” or “W” “Y” and “Z” only appear in words borrowed from Greek
Vowels ā as in father: māter, clārus ē as in hey, or as a in fate: tē, accēpit ī as in marine: amīcus ō as in focus: cōgō, bōs ū as in rude: fūgī a as in about: pater, ager e as in fed: mel, petere i as in fit: bibit o as in soft: locus u as in put: apud, tenuit
Diphthongs ae as in ai in aisle, or the long i in high: saevus au as in ou in loud: laudo ei as in eight: eius eu as Latin e plus u pronounced quickly together: neu oe as in oi in oil: foedus ui as Latin u and i pronounced quickly together: huic, explicuit
Consonants b before s and t, like p: urbs (urps) c always hard, as in cat: circum g always hard, as in girl:gignō h lightly aspirated, as in history: haec i before a vowel pronounced y, between two vowels, pronounced as a double i, pronounced like y—y in toy yacht:māior, eius q always followed by u and pronounced kw, as in liquid:equus, quis
More Consonants r trilled: agrīs t like t in tight; never like sh, as in mention: potuit v like w, as in wine: video X the equivalent of cs or gs: dīxit ch as k plus h, as in look here, never as in chicken: māchina ph as p plus h, as in clap hands, never like f: triumphus th as t plus h, as in not here, never as in myth: theātrum