A few thoughts about ASAT Some slides from NSF workshop presentation on knowledge integration Thoughts about “islands of certainty” Neural networks: the good, the bad, and the ugly Short intro to the OSU team du jour
Outline (or, rather, my list of questions) What is Knowledge Integration (KI)? How has KI influenced ASR to date? Where should KI be headed? –What types of cues should we be looking for? –How should cues be combined?
What is Knowledge Integration? It means different things to different people –Combining multiple hypotheses –Bringing linguistic information to bear in ASR Working definition: –Combining multiple sources of evidence to produce a final (or intermediate) hypothesis –Traditional ASR process uses KI Combines acoustic, lexical, and syntactic information But this is only the tip of the iceberg
KI examples in ASR Feature Calculation Language Modeling Acoustic Modeling Pronunciation Modeling cat: dog: dog mail: mAl the: D&, DE … cat dog: cat the: the cat: the dog: the mail: … Acoustic model gives state hypotheses from features Search integrates knowledge from acoustic, pronunciation, and language models Statistical models have “simple” dependencies The cat chased the dog S E A R C H P(X|Q)P(Q|W)P(W)
KI: Statistical Dependencies Feature Calculation Language Modeling Acoustic Modeling Pronunciation Modeling cat: dog: dog mail: mAl the: D&, DE … cat dog: cat the: the cat: the dog: the mail: … “Side information” from the speech waveform Speaking rate Prosodic information Syllable boundaries The cat chased the dog S E A R C H
KI: Statistical Dependencies Feature Calculation Language Modeling Acoustic Modeling Pronunciation Modeling cat: dog: dog mail: mAl the: D&, DE … cat dog: cat the: the cat: the dog: the mail: … Information from sources outside “traditional” system Class n-grams, CFG/Collins-style parsers Sentence-level stress Vocal-tract length normalization The cat chased the dog S E A R C H
KI: Statistical Dependencies Feature Calculation Language Modeling Acoustic Modeling Pronunciation Modeling cat: dog: dog mail: mAl the: D&, DE … cat dog: cat the: the cat: the dog: the mail: … Information from “internal” knowledge sources Pronunciations w/ multi-words, LM probabilities State-level pronunciation modeling Buried Markov Models The cat chased the dog S E A R C H
KI: Statistical Dependencies Feature Calculation Language Modeling Acoustic Modeling Pronunciation Modeling cat: dog: dog mail: mAl the: D&, DE … cat dog: cat the: the cat: the dog: the mail: … Information from errors made by system Discriminative acoustic, pronunciation, and language modeling The cat chased the dog S E A R C H
KI: Model Combination Feature Calculation Language Modeling Acoustic Modeling Pronunciation Modeling Integrate multiple “final” hypotheses ROVER Word sausages (Mangu et al.) The cat chased the dog Feature Calculation Language Modeling Acoustic Modeling Pronunciation Modeling X
KI: Model Combination Feature Calculation Acoustic Modeling Combine multiple “non-final” hypotheses Multi-stream modeling Synchronous phonological feature modeling Boosting Interpolated language models The cat chased the dog Feature Calculation Language Modeling Acoustic Modeling Pronunciation Modeling X
Summary: Current uses of KI Probability conditioning P(A|B) -> P(A|B,X,Y,Z) –More refined (accurate?) models –Can complicate overall equation Model merging P(A|B) -> f(P 1 (A|B),w 1 ) + f(P 2 (A|B),w 2 ) –Different views of information are (usually) good –But sometimes combination methods are not as principled as one would like
Where should we go from here? As a field have investigated many sources of knowledge –We learn more about language this way Cf. “More data is better data” school To make an impact we need – A common framework –Easy ways to combine knowledge –“Interesting” sources of knowledge
KI in Event-Driven ASR Phonological features as events (from Chin’s proposal) backalveolar consonant vowel nasal closureburstmid-low closureburst can’t
KI in Event-Driven ASR Integrating multiple detectors –Easy if detectors are of the same type –Use both conditioning and model combination backalveolar consonant vowel nasal closureburstmid-low closureburst can’t P(back|detector1) P(back|detector2)
KI in Event-Driven ASR Integrating multiple cross-type detectors –Simplest to use Naïve Bayes assumption P(X|e1,e2,e3)=(P(e1|X)P(e2|X)P(e3|X)P(X))/Z backalveolar consonant vowel nasal closureburstmid-low closureburst can’t P(k|features)
KI in Event-Driven ASR Breakdown in Naïve Bayes –Detectors aren’t always independent backalveolar consonant vowel nasal closurebursthigh closureburst can’t k Feature spreading correlated with vowel raising New non-independent detector
KI in Event-Driven ASR Wanted: Gestalt detector –View overall shape of detector streams backalveolar consonant vowel nasal closurebursthigh closureburst P(can’t| ) k
The Challenge of Plug-n-Play Shouldn’t have to re-learn entire system every time a new detector is added –Can’t have one global P(can’t|all variables) –Changes should be localized Implies need for hierarchical structure Composition structure should enable combination of radically different forms of information –E.g., audio-visual speech recognition
The Challenge of Plug-n-Play Perhaps need three types of structures –Event integrators Is this a CVC syllable? Problems like feature spreading become local –Hypothesis generators I think the word “can’t” is here. Combines evidence from top-level integrators –Hypothesis validators Is this hypothesis consistent? Language model, word boundary detection, … Still probably have Naïve Bayes problems
What type of detectors should we be thinking about? Phonological features Phones Syllables? Words? Function Words? Syllable/word boundaries Prosodic stress … and a whole bunch of other things –We’ve already looked at a number of them –And Jim’s already made some of these points
Putting it all together Huge multi-dimensional graph search Should not be strictly “left-to-right” –“Islands of certainty” –People tend to emphasize the important words …and we can usually detect them better –Work backwards to firm up uncertain segments
Summary As a field, we have looked at many influences on our probabilistic models Have gained expertise in –Probability conditioning –Model combination Event-driven ASR may provide challenging, but interesting framework for incorporating different ideas
Thoughts about “islands of certainty”
We can’t parse everything At least not on the first pass Need to find ways to cleverly reduce computation: center around things that we’re sure about –Can we use confidence values from “light” detectors and refine? (likely) –Can we use external sources of knowledge to help guide search? (likely)
Word/syllable onset detection Several factors point to existence of factors that can help with word segmentation –Psychology experiments have suggested that phonotactics plays a big role (e.g., Saffran et al.) –Shire (at ICSI) was able to train a pretty reliable syllable boundary detector from acoustics –Syllable onsets pronounced more canonically than nuclei or codas -- 84% vs 65% Switchboard, 90% vs 62%/80% TIMIT (Fosler-Lussier et al 99) Can we build “island of certainty” models by looking at a combination of acoustic/phonetic factors?
Pronunciation numbers
Integrating multiple units Naïve method: just try to combine everything in sight Refined method: process left to right, but process a buffer (e.g..5-2 sec) –Look for islands –Back-fit other material in a way that makes sense given the islands –Can use external measures like speaking rate to validate likelihood of inferred structure
Neural nets ANNs are good as non-linear discriminators But they have a problem: when they’re wrong, they are often REALLY wrong –Ex: training on TI digits (30 phones, easy) –CV frame-level margin: P(correct)-P(next competitor) 9% margin < -0.4, 8% margin % margin 0-0.4, 75% margin >0.4 Could chalk this up to “pronunciation variation” Current thinking: if training more responsive to margin, might move some of that 9% upward.
Current personnel Me Keith as consultant Anton Rytting (Linguistics): part time senior grad student, works on word segmentation in Greek; currenly twisting his arm Linguistics student TBA 1/05. Incoming students (we’ll see who works) –1 ECE student (signal processing) –2 CSE students (MS in reinforcement learning, BA in genetic algorithms)