Energy long ago 1950s In the 1950s people would heat their homes mainly with turf and coal fires . Turf is cut from bogs. Some would also use electric heaters . Click to find out more about bogs
Energy Long ago 1960s – 70s Turf and coal fires were still in use Central heating came into use in the 1960s using tanks called back boilers which were at the back of fireplaces filled with water. When there was a fire lighting the water would warm up and would then be used to heat the home
Energy Long Ago 1980s A lot more people were beginning to use central heating in Ireland and were moving away from coal and turf fires Gas was discovered in Kinsale during the 1980s and so people were able to get gas central heating During the 1980s the government banned coal in the amin cities because it caused a lot of smog
Energy long ago 1990s Almost every home in Ireland had gas or oil central heating Coal fires were becoming less common New homes were beter built and were insulated.
Energy long ago 2000s In the 2000s people were using insulation to keep their homes warm New homes began to use under floor heating and double glazing.
Energy long ago 2000-present This decade saw the widespread use of wind turbines to generate electricity for homes and businesses
Energy long ago 2000-present Hybrid cars were introduced . These worked on petrol and electricity
Energy use in Ireland Energy use in Ireland per capita has increased since 1960 The peak was in 2001 In that year it was 3737.54kg in kg of oil equivalent per person In 2007 it fell back to 3456.56kg in oil equivalent Click to see Graph
Energy use in Ireland 1960-2007
Energy through the ages By Hugh 6th Class St.Marys