1. Whatever happens? 2. Whatever happens naturally? 3. Whatever happens according to the Bible and teaching of the Church ? What is the “Will of God” ?
Different Christian Attitudes to Euthanasia To K different Christian attitudes towards Euthanasia To be able to give evidence for different Christian attitudes to euthanasia
Catholic Church Voluntary passive euthanasia.. Acceptable? SOMETIMES: – Brian death has occurred (= death). The medics decide. – Extraordinary treatments are the only remaining option – “Double effect” of pain killers is acceptable – may hasten death, but death is not directly intended). Voluntary active E./ assisted suicide…Acceptable? NEVER : – “to cause death in this way is a grave violation of the law of God” (Vatican Document) Hospices make Euthanasia unnecessary: they are expert at maintaining quality of life through pain relief, so to seek euthanasia to end suffering should never be an issue.
Why Catholics oppose Euthanasia BJC Bible teaching: write out only the relevant part of the quote: Gen 1:26 b 1 Cor 6:19-20 Ex 20:13 Job 1:21 Ecclesiasticus 3:1-2 Jesus: ?evidence of his life Teaching of the Magisterium:
Why Catholics oppose Euthanasia BJC Bible teaching: Gen 1:26 b “In the image of God…” 1 Cor 6:19-20 “you are the temple of the holy spirit” () Ex 20:13 “Do not kill” Job 1:21 "The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away" Eccls 3:1-2 “For every thing there is …a time to be born, and a time to die” Jesus: did not seek to shorten his suffering or death, but accepted it, for the salvation of the world. Christians follow his example. Teaching of the Magisterium: 1. Sanctity of Life; 2. Vatican Document: “to cause death in this way is a grave violation of the law of God”
Salvation Army Any form of euthanasia is wrong. Strong belief in Sanctity of Life Take bible teachings literally esp. that belief in Christ brings life, never death. Oppose switching off life support. Do not accept ‘living wills’ Liberal Protestants (some Anglicans + non-conformists Allow some active euthanasia - modern medicine means hard to tell when someone is “meant” to be allowed to die - Jesus teaching “love thy neighbour” can justify some assisted suicide as a compassionate response - accept living wills. People should have control over their doctors interventions. A “human right” (this is not a religious argument!) Accept passive euthanasia (withdrawal of life support & treatment in some situations)
Definition of Active Euthanasia 1 Argument FOR active euthanasia The Law in the UK elsewhere (Holland & Belgium). What the RC Church says & why - give evidence (BJC) What other Churches say & why: salvation army vs liberal protestants 1 Arguments AGAINST active euthanasia Summing Up: TicTacToe Definition of Passive Euthanasia