L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec 2000 1 Report on ATLAS GRID activities Sites, people, applications: setting up testbeds and grid-enabling first.


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Presentation transcript:

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec Report on ATLAS GRID activities Sites, people, applications: setting up testbeds and grid-enabling first applications in the different sites Start of discussion about GRID requirements and milestones

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec General aspects US activities very important, however here concentrate on DataGrid part DataGrid activities starting in many countries: coordination between countries still very loose Level of info. provided by the different sites not uniform: the slides that follow are not covering uniformy all existing ATLAS GRID activities Almost all the work done is inside a single country ( exception Scandinavia…)

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec ATLAS GRID Requirements decisions At the last PTB it was stressed the importance of experiments requirements/use-cases both Short and Long term. ATLAS had already started work in this direction October 4th we decided first “kickoff” Requirement Collection to be done in connection with Computing Model for long term vision: first ideas presented by R.Baker end November For short term we had set up end July a first list of application to be run with Grid tools within mid-2001

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec Grid Activities till mid 2001 Updated list to be prepared before Xmas Old list mostly old s/w, but GRID test with ATHENA application very important –muon trigger Geant3-DICE ~10 10 SpI95*sec (Italy) –e-trigger simulation ( new?) (UK) –Tilecal TB (Obj) US (PPDG) –TRT Geant3-DICE US (GriPhyN) –Parallel PAW and ROOT (UK) PAW done –Parallel analysis of LAR TB uniformity scans (?) (France)

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec ATLAS GRID Milestones preparation Input Schedules from: –DATAGRID and US GRID Projects –Running of GRID applications proposed by different countries/communities –MDC1 and related studies First discussion in the s/w week at end November: January 24th was decided as data for a first draft

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec INFN situation muon trigger Geant3-DICE ~ SpI95*sec tests of GRID DB distribution Milano-CERN ATLAS testbed sites Rome and Milano (in Pisa ATLAS not main user) ATLAS DATAGRID participants : L.Perini (60%), S.Resconi (60%), L.Luminari (60%), A. De Salvo (40%) The muon simulation will be one of the ATLAS short term use cases Some preliminary work started

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec INFN use case Sites involved: Rome (with the bulk of CPU power), Milan, CNAF, possibly Naples, (CERN?) Other people interested in running in GRID enviroment the Muon-trigger application, and “gridalizing” it: –Naples, Pavia, Rome2 the other main contributing institutes with ~3 FTE total available till results obtained (<1 for “gridalizing”) First tests before Xmas, and more details about this use case

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec UK Situation Globus version installed on PC’s in 7 sites (Birmingham, Edinburgh, Manchester, Oxford, QMW, RAL) –gsi-enabled ssh, wu-ftpd and nc-ftp Network activities: –characterising performance of SuperJANET III –QoS investigations –High performance data movement

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec UK Applications Parallel PAW-G : working from mid-November Parallel ROOT : design started e-trigger simulation is another possible ATLAS use case for short term: more details will be provided before Xmas

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec Japan situation GRID contact : Youhei Morita Activities started: – “Data Farm” prototype for optimizing distributed data handling in large PC farms –WAN simulator under study: predict performances in high speed, high latency networks Testbeds now: 9 PC’s in KEK, 4 2-CPU at CERN People: 1.7 FTE/3 Physicist –KEK: Youhei 50%, Hirouki Sato 90% –Tokyo ICEPP: Takayuki Saeki 30% (available after LEP run)

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec Other sites and people (1) France: ~50% LAL engeneer, 25% E. Auge (LAL), >50% M. Huet (Saclay), S. Albrand + others 2 ( ~50% FTE in total) Grenoble +... Czech Republic: contact M. Lokajicek: M. Novak 50% active from start, more people will come when first GRID services available Sweden, Danemark and others in Scandinavia: see Oxana slides: the application there another possible short term use case? –All 3 candidates till now simulation based: rather similar...

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec Other sites and people (2) Holland : GRID contact Kors Bos ; additional 1/3 FTE will be hired beginning 2001 Russia: Protvino, Dubna and 2 Moscow institutes; 4 farms PC’s each Spain: GRID contact Andreu Pacheco (Barcelona), Valencia (Jose’ Salt) also interested Greece: Yorgos Tsipolitis (NTU Athens) provisional contact, two more physicist interested, GRID farm being set up

L. Perini DATAGRID WP6 workshop 11 Dec Data Challenges and GRID MDC 1 first half 2002 : first project release of DATAGRID (PM12) is January 2002, GriPhyn end September The GRID services provided there should fit with what ATLAS want to do in MDC1 ATLAS DC Milestones were written on the safe side, but we should try to be more ambitious and involve more sites and more complexity, further define MDC1 in next months getting involved GRID people and sites Computing TDR ready by end 2002: all experimentation needed before TDR to be planned for MDC1