Joint European Master‘s Programme European Studies Universities of Amsterdam, Brussels(VUB) Copenhagen, Vienna
JEMPES 1st Draft in May 2004 Memorandum elaborated by Amsterdam university Programme should be be anchored in the humanities Emphasis on Europe as a cultural-historical and multicultural space
JEMPES 1st Draft in May 2004 JEMPES should draw on the participating universities‘ specific strengths Amsterdam general and theoretical, comparativce surveys of multinationality and national identity Brussels Belgian experience as a „new state“ and as a „neutral zone“ in Europe Copenhagen focus in the field of Baltic studies and nation formation in Scandinavia Vienna focus on Mitteleuropa and mutlinational disintegration of Habsburg Empire
Problem 1 Diversity of existing Programmes Amsterdam Dep. of European Studies since 1980ies (1. cultural/historical focus; 2. political and economic focus) Brussels focus on economic, political and legal aspects Copenhagen focus on political and social aspects Vienna multidisciplinary focus combining legal, economic, political, social, cultural, linguistic and historical aspects
Problem 2 Differences between universities‘ programming infrastructure Access to studies‘ programmes Accreditation Tuition fees Faculties‘ study programming
Agreement Joint two years master programme Programme should not be too widely divergent nor too closely similar Elaboration of common standards (60 ECTS) in all partner universites for the 1st year meeting interdisciplinary requirements (Viennese model) Students spend 3rd semester at one host university – thesis may be written either at the host or home university co-supervised by staff from both Start in 2005/06
Structure Opening of the programme with a joint masterclass involving students from all universities giving a common foundation lasting one week Conclusion with a „Thesis valorisation“ workshop“ Conferral ceremony
Organisation JEMPES is to involve a joint examining board with representatives from all participating universities JEMPES should be tuition based (standardised regime) JEMPES is to be an accredited MA course
Open questions Problem of the thematic profile of the programme ? Question if financially self-supporting or woven into the regular faculties curricula ? Degree to be conferred by one specific or by two universities ? Access to studies‘ programmes ? Accreditation ? Tuition fees ? Financing of JEMPES ? Start in 2005/06 ?