A Practical Introduction to Advanced and High Speed Networking NATO Advanced Networking Workshop Ljubljana, September 2001
TERENA, the TERENA Technical Programme and the NATO Science Programme Valentino Cavalli, TERENA Acknowldgement to John Dyer, TERENA
NATO Science Programme supports collaboration between scientists in Partner countries or Mediterranean Dialogue countries and scientists in NATO countries Science Fellowships allow scientists of Partner-countries to study in NATO countries, and vice-versa
The TERENA Membership the national research and education networks of 34 countries CERN, ESA, ECMWF associate members (regional organisations, industry)
The Mission of TERENA representation of the common interests of TERENA’s members political, policy and industrial contacts liaison with other continents the Technical Programme developing, testing and promoting new networking technologies, services and applications workshops, task forces, projects knowledge transfer conferences, workshops and seminars assistance to less-advanced networks providing a “cradle” for new services
Special Interest Areas Lower Layers Quality of Service Video Conferencing & Streaming Content Delivery, Indexing, Searching Middleware (mobility)
SIA - Lower Layers TF-NGN Forum for Information Exchange Development and Testing Includes the piloting of the new services on the GEANT backbone. DANTE is the responsible GEANT partner.
TF-NGN Started Activities in November 2000 Quality of Service Issues AF, Premium IP, Over Provisioned, Delay & Jitter... Improvement of Multicast Optical Networking Issues Network Monitoring IPv6 deployment
European Testbed Activities ActivitiesNetworks IP Premium Service Temp GARR-G, PLAGE, Quaser(DE)-pt SEQUIN/NGN MPLSTempPLAGE IPv6PermOwn Network Infrastructure ShapingTempGARR-G or PLAGE MonitoringPermUnknown LambdaUnspecUnknown
SIA – VideoConf / Stream TF-STREAMclosed June Meetings per year 20 active members 9 countries Recommendations Best Practice Information Source
TF-STREAM Highlights Meetings carried out using video- conferencing facilities Investigating European Videoconference Service Loan Codecs for HiQ videoconferencing Web site information
SIA - Middleware Directories TF-LSD Certification Authorities – PKI (ad-hoc) Security TF-CSIRT All these activities have direct relevance to the emerging GRID
TF-LSD Highlights 20 Active members Experience with OpenLDAP Need for EuroEDUPerson ObjectClass Internet2 EDUPerson, GRIDPerson Issues of pan-European PKI
TF-CSIRT NRN and Commercial Involvement Sept 2000, Jan 2001, May-June 2001 Next Meeting, fall 2001 Major Activities Team Accreditation Information Exchange Development of Training Workshop
CSIRT Accreditation CERT-NL (The Netherlands) 1. January 2001.CERT-NL CSIRT.DK (Denmark) 20. April 2001.CSIRT.DK GARR-CERT (Italy) 1. January 2001.GARR-CERT IRIS-CERT (Spain) 23. March 2001.IRIS-CERT JANET-CERT (United Kingdom) 1. January 2001.JANET-CERT NORDUNET CERT (Scandinavia) 6. April 2001.NORDUNET CERT SIEMENS-CERT (Germany) 23. March 2001.SIEMENS-CERT UniNett CERT (Norway) 1. April 2001.UniNett CERT
Training Workshop Legal IssuesCERT-NL Organisational Issues †BTSS-CSIRT Technical Issues †DFN-CERT Marketing IssuesJANET-CERT Operational Issues †BTSS-CSIRT † Indicates practical / workshop element
TF-CSIRT Activities Seminars Best Practice Experience and Demonstrations Tools Technical Development of Incident Exchange XML Security Entry in RIPE database Relations with the CEC
PKI BoF at TNC2001 Attendance around 30 Wide Representation: Europe / US Major Issue of Discussion: Bridge Model versus Hierarchical EuroPKI (IT) Hierarchical Federal (US) Bridge GRID – undecided ACTIONS taken by Europe & US STRONGER COORDINATION with US
GRID Monitoring GRID Activities Presentation at the TERENA community Building Cooperative Links with GRID-FORUM Areas of Overlap (Middleware) Security Authentication Directories, Certification, PKI QoS
Minor Project Proposals Pilot IODEF implementation EuroEDUPerson Object Class Definition Certificate Retrieval in OpenLDAP
SCAMPI IST-2001Thematic Priority IV-2.2 Scalable Monitoring Platform for the Internet Active & Passive Measurement 100Gbps Using affordable components Initial filtering on NIC
SCAMPI TERENA, NL IMEC, BE FORTH, GR LEIDEN University, NL NETIKOS, IT UNINETT, NO CESNET, CZ FORTHnet, GR 4Plus, GR SIEMENS, DE Total Cost 5.6 MEUR EU 2.9 MEUR 473 person/months 30 months duration TERENA 322 kEUR 39 person/months Web Server Workshops
IPv6 Testbed Project 6NET Phase 1 duration 3-6 months Introduction of an IPv6 Infrastructure over IPv4 tunnels Phase 2 duration 3-6 months Build a dedicated link layer for native IPv6 Phase 3 duration 24 months dual stack network Phase 4 - Exploitation
6NET Project Partners Management - CISCO Infrastructure - DANTE IPv4/v6 - SURFnet Applications - RENATER Trial - UKERNA NetMan -Switch Dissemination - TERENA ULB SONY IBM NTT NORDUNET DFN ACONET GRNET GARR UCL Uni Southampton Uni Lancaster Others (~30 total)
TEQUILA Quality of Service TERENA’s role – Dissemination Workshop on SLS – Jan 2001, Amsterdam Focus SLS and Traffic Engineering 50 attendees Tequila workshop 2002
Portal Content Delivery, Indexing Searching Closed Workshop Action Plan Approaches : Formal and ad-hoc Open Workshop An implementation Exploring links with Suppliers
GNRT Third Edition Available on-line late 2001 Manuscript to publishers 11 June Future Modular on-line approach Continuous updating
International Lambda Workshop Amsterdam, September 2001 Organised by TERENA in collaboration with StarLight, CANARIE, SURFnet, Internet2 Aimed at NRENs (interested in) running lambdas internationally, equipment providers, telcos, (research &) development institutes