ROCKSROCKS m/watch?v= 7SYQX_yg d2c
What is a Rock? Minerals or organic matter which have been cemented together squeezed together heated together melted and cooled together.
Rock Types Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic
IGNEOUS “Ignus” = fire From volcanoes Can be intrusive or extrusive In - “inside” (magma…from my secret volcano lair…) Ex - “out of” (lava)
Granite Obsidian Intrusive Cools inside Earth Extrusive Where does this cool?
SEDIMENTARY Formed from other rocks that have been broken apart by weathering and erosion Named by size & composition
Conglomerate Sandstone Mudstone
Limestone (w/ fossils)
METAMORPHIC “to change form” Caused by heat and/or pressure Limestone becomes marble Granite becomes gneiss
Limestone Granite Marble Gneiss
Sedimentary Rock Igneous Rock Metamorphic Rock Sediment Magma Lava Weathering Compaction and Cementation Compaction and Cementation Weathering Melting Cooling Heat and/or Pressure Heat and/or Pressure
Minerals in CT rocks Feldspar (CT) Fluorite Mica (CT) Olivine Quartz (CT) Dolomite Graphite Calcite
conglomerate - made of pebbles (larger pieces) sandstone - made of sand limestone - often include marine fossils (calcium carbonate…or “lime”) mudstone - made of mud
Sedimentary Rock Igneous Rock Metamorphic Rock Sediment Magma Lava Weathering Erosion Compaction and Cementation Compaction and Cementation Weathering Erosion Weathering Erosion Melting Cooling Heat and/or Pressure Heat and/or Pressure