1 6/19/98Copyright 1998 ITN with NPAC and 3rd Party Network Element Barry Bishop Director of Numbering Services Lockheed Martin ITN Number Pooling
2 6/19/98Copyright 1998 Proposed ITN Pooling Network NPAC Bell Atlantic AT&T MCI Local Tandem LSMS Trunks Cellular One AT&T Wireless to 9999 Spare 1234, 9877, 6951, to 9999 Spare to 9999 Spare to 9999 Spare to 9999 Spare to 9999 Trunks LSMS 3rd Party Network Element LSMS
3 6/19/98Copyright 1998 Querying NPAC for available # via SOA or Separate Link NPAC Bell Atlantic AT&T MCI Local Tandem SOA/OSS Trunks Cellular One AT&T Wireless to 9999 Spare 1234, 9877, 6951, to 9999 Spare to 9999 Spare to 9999 Spare to 9999 Spare to 9999 Trunks SOA 3rd Party SOA/??? SOA/COSMOS SOA
4 6/19/98Copyright 1998 Spare #’s and new NXX “Ported” to 3rd Party Network Element NPAC Bell Atlantic AT&T MCI Local Tandem LSMS Trunks Cellular One AT&T Wireless to to to , 9877, 6951, to 9999 New NXX to to to 9999 Trunks LSMS 3rd Party
5 6/19/98Copyright 1998 Spare and new NXX #’s Ported from 3rd party NE to SP’s as needed NPAC Bell Atlantic AT&T MCI Local Tandem LSMS Trunks Cellular One AT&T Wireless xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx XXXX Spare #’s 3rd Party NE Trunks LSMS
6 6/19/98Copyright 1998 ITN Pooling using 3rd party Network Element u ITN Pooling may be accomplished by porting all unused numbers to an independent 3rd party Network Element. – Third party provides a network element (NE) – This NE will have a distinct LRN assigned to it. – NE will provide vacant code treatment for calls which may ultimately route to it. – NXX’s will continue to be assigned to Service providers as they are today, but all 10,000 numbers will then be ported to the NE using existing LNP/NPAC capabilities. – Existing unused Service Provider numbers can also be ported to the NE. – Existing Service Provider numbers upon disconnect (and after intercept treatment has been completed) will snap back to the NE. – Lerg updates are completed the same as today for default routing. If a call is default routed to the SP assigned the NXX, it will query and route to the ITN NE.
7 6/19/98Copyright 1998 ITN Pooling using 3rd Party Network Element (continued) – Service Providers can obtain any spare number by querying NPAC for any number which is assigned LRN of the pooling administrator (note, this also solves issue of porting vacant numbers as they can be placed in the pool) – May minimize changes to service provider OSS’s – Under this scenario Snap Back will be to the 3rd Party NE This may require a change to NPAC software (pooled number bit or additional table) to support numbers subsequently ported to another provider after the initial assignment. Can be easily transitioned from thousand block pooling. Existing NPAC software may be fully reusable. – Does not cause any additional problems for 911. Changes made initially for LNP should be sufficient. – Non-LNP default routing not affected – Should minimize or eliminate the cause code 26 issue – Minimizes changes to existing Network Configurations (NANPA assigns CO codes, NPAC ports numbers, Service Providers route calls as normal)
8 6/19/98Copyright 1998 Expected Impacts to Industry Fora u T1S1.6Minimal u INCModify Guidelines u NANPA WG Modify requirements u T&O New operational processes (NPAC changes may be minimal ) u Others?????
9 6/19/98Copyright 1998 Issues u Possible capacity issues for SP databases u Redesign of Service Provider OSS’s u Others?????