Section 1
Vikings-first Europeans to make contact with North America Came from Scandinavia-Denmark, Norway, Sweden ◦ Developed the longship, skilled sailors Raided European nations but developed a huge trading network
Leif Eriksson-son of Erik the Red set sail in 1000 west to Greenland, ended up being pushed to North America by strong winds Landed on Labrador Peninsula in Canada Sailed south to Newfoundland and possibly as far south as New England Settled in Vinland but left after a few years, Native Americans always a threat
Portugal’s Prince Henry the Navigator made many advances that advanced exploration Built an observatory Founded a school of navigation Taught better methods of navigation and mapmaking.
Reasons to explore: ◦ Hoped to bypass the merchants who had a monopoly on trade through the Mediterranean Looking for sea route to Asia ◦ Wanted to spread Christianity ◦ Interest in Asian cultures Marco Polo’s book inspired many to learn more about Asians
Magnetic compass-tells North Astrolabe-able to position your ship based on the stars Caravels-ships with triangular sails that could sail against the wind Placed rudders in back of ships to increase ability to steer the ship
Bartolomeu Dias (Portuguese) led an expedition along African coast ◦ Ship blew around southern tip-Cape of Good Hope Men wanted to turn around Supplies low Return to Portugal
Vasco De Gama-(Portuguese) sailed around the southern tip of Africa to India Found Muslim traders who spoke Portuguese Made two more trips back Even governed a small colony in India Portugal wins the race to Asia
Started the Atlantic slave trade Devastating African communities Increased warfare in Africa Sent many slaves to Europe and islands in Atlantic Other nations launch their own explorations at Portugal gets rich.