Click to edit Master title style Needs Assessment Study Findings Northeastern Maryland Higher Education Advisory Board Presented by: R. Raymond Thompson, Ph.D. 0 Wednesday, December 10, 2014
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 1 Overview of MGT Assignment Assess Higher Education Needs of Region (NE MD) Review market profile (Harford & Cecil Counties) Update current program availability (University Center) Gather input from key stakeholders (community leaders, UC partners, major employers, APG) Identify unmet needs Identify critical issues Report findings and conclusions
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 2 Three distinct markets: −Cecil County −Harford County −APG Target populations: −Traditional age students −Non-traditional age students −Workers affiliated with APG/DOD −All other workers Market Profile
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 3 Market Profile: Population Projections Population Estimates and Projections through 2025 Source: Maryland Department of Planning, 2013.
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 4 Market Profile: Per Capita Income 2012 Per Capita Income for Maryland, Cecil, and Harford County Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Quick Facts, 2014.
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 5 Market Profile: Educational Attainment 2012 Educational Attainment Population 25 Years and Older Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2012 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates.
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 6 Market Profile: High School Enrollments High School Enrollment Trends and Projections 2012 through 2022 Source: Maryland Department of Planning, 2013.
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 7 Market Profile: Population Profile Cecil County Pipeline and College-age Population Growth Through 2025 Source: Maryland Department of Planning, 2013.
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 8 Market Profile: Population Profile Harford County Pipeline and College-age Population Growth Through 2025 Source: Maryland Department of Planning, 2013.
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 9 Market Profile: APG Population ●Third largest workforce center by population in the State of Maryland. ●Civilian dominated organization focused on testing, research, and development. ●More than 80% of APG’s workforce lives in Harford, Cecil, or Baltimore County. ●Growth from BRAC 2005 brought the number of jobs on post to nearly 22,000, with another 6,000 off-post positions in the region. ●Army 2020 Force Structure Realignment Scenario potential impact on local region.
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 10 Market Profile: Susquehanna WIA Commuter Patterns Source: Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, Where do local residents work? n=145,813
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 11 Source: Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, Where do local workers live? n=89,757 Market Profile: Susquehanna WIA Commuter Patterns
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 12 Key Points from Stakeholder Interviews ●Distinct markets and population segments in NE MD ●UC’s educational role and focus ●Towson University relocation to HCC ●Access and collaboration with APG ●Advantage APG partners ●Regional engagement of Maryland institutions ●Changing workforce needs in the region ●Cecil College and Harford Community College responsiveness
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 13 Market Needs: Occupational Projections Occupational Openings* by Category Requiring an Advanced Degree 2010 to 2020 * Susquehanna WIA
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 14 Market Needs: Occupational Projections Occupational Openings* by Category Requiring a Bachelor’s Degree 2010 to 2020 * Susquehanna WIA
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 15 Market Needs: Occupational Projections Occupational Openings* by Category Requiring an Associate’s Degree 2010 to 2020 * Susquehanna WIA
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 16 Local Educational Providers
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 17 University Center Profile ●Programs available: −Business (B.S., B.A., B.S./B.A., M.A.) −Cybersecurity (B.S.) −Education (B.S., B.A., M.S., M.A.) −Engineering (M.S.) −Nursing (B.S., M.S.) −Psychology (B.S./B.A.) −Sociology/Criminal Justice (B.S./B.A., M.S.) −Technology (B.S./B.A., M.S.)
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 18 Programs for Consideration
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 19 Issues for Advisory Board Consideration In order to better serve the needs of Northeastern Maryland: Leverage current and historical collaborations between members of NMHEAB. Encourage collaboration with the University Center. Maintain a consolidated inventory of local degree programs and continuing education opportunities. Differentiate higher education and training needs of various regional sub-populations. Develop a consolidated marketing and communication strategy (NMHEAB + UC)..
MGT OF AMERICA, INC. 20 Issues for Advisory Board Consideration Promote utilization of the MOU agreement and newly established processes in developing the joint UC/APG Cyber Security programs. Encourage APG commands to compile/share lists of potential education and training needs. Advocate for further review of governance structure, staffing, and resources available to the University Center. Explore additional funding/revenue generating opportunities for the University Center.