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Vetting Instructional Materials for Inclusion in Schoolnet HB Contractor Training April 18, 2015
Instructional Materials in Schoolnet
Assessment Student Information Instructional Design, Practice & Resources Data Analysis and Reporting Information A student information system Effectiveness An online evaluation system and professional development system Information Instruction Educator Effectiveness: Evaluation and Professional Development OpenClass Collaboration Schoolnet Instruction and Assessment PowerSchool Student Information Truenorthlogic Evaluation and PD 4 Overview Content: Instructional Resources & Assessment Items Instructional Tools & Resources A standards-aligned tool for instruction, assessment, and data analysis
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Instructional Materials Available Over 30,000 Instructional Resources (lesson plans, unit plans, multi-media,etc.) across multiple grades and subjects Additional standards-aligned resources and vetted instructional resources, including the best of North Carolina educators’ work Present Future 9
500+ NC DPI Resources 10
19,000 + Open Education Resources Some of our many Content Providers 11
11,920 External Resources Current Providers of External Content 8,672 Instructional Resources for Social Studies and Science 1,137 Instructional Resources for English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Languages 2,111 Additional Instructional Resources in various for Art, Music, History, etc. 12
Search Instructional Materials Use subject, grade levels, type of material or keyword to search for materials.
Instructional Materials
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Using the NC Summary Rubric to Evaluate Instructional Materials
Guiding Principles Be aligned with standards and provide opportunities for deeper learning Provide ample coverage to all standards and objectives Emphasize quality over quantity Rated by educators in North Carolina
A Need for an Evaluation System There are multiple ways of evaluating a resource, for example a holistic approach (e.g. the 5-star system on or evaluating each of the parts, as with a rubric. The purpose of a rubric is to provide a structure for evaluating a resource in a systematic, purposeful, and comprehensive way, allowing the rater to identify, evaluate, and sort objects based on the identified essential elements.
Vetting Using NC Summary Rubric The purpose of the NC Summary Rubric is to provide a structure for evaluating an online resource in a systematic, purposeful, and comprehensive way. The rubric allows the rater to identify, evaluate, and sort objects based on the identified essential elements.
NC Summary Rubric
Rating Scale SuperiorStrongLimited Very Weak Not Applicable Note: Each resource must achieve a score of 2 or 3 for each category as applicable to the specific resource to be considered or submission into Home Base.
NC Summary Rubric Required: Degree of Alignment to Standards Opportunities for Deeper Learning Resource Dependent: Quality of Explanation of Subject Matter Utility of Materials Designed to Support Teaching Quality of Assessment Quality of Technological Interactivity Quality of Instructional and Practice Exercises
Resource Dependent Categories
Applying the Rubric - How Would You Evaluate This Lesson Plan?
Tagging Resources / Introduction to NCLOR - Equella
Break Out Groups Please join the other participants in your content area.
Your turn... Use the NC Summary Rubric to identify and evaluate instructional materials for quality and alignment to the course standards. Then use the Equella Guidelines document as you enter the metadata for the resource and add it to the K-12 State Vetted Collection in the NCLOR. Content Team members are available if you have questions.
Share Out Please share with the group some examples of the great resources that you have found.
Next steps... ● Closing Remarks for the Day ● Paperwork reminders: ○Please submit any forms that have not yet been turned in. ○Reimbursements - Need receipt showing zero balance. ○Substitute reimbursement form
Next steps... Contractor Expectations Each contractor will submit 10 additional resources by May 1, 5pm for review by the assigned moderator. Contractors will receive feedback on those resources by May 13, 5pm. After receiving feedback, contractors will continue to collaborate with moderators in submitting at least 30 resources per month.
Next steps... Additional Contractor Expectations Follow the Equella tagging guidelines. Maintain quality of submissions. Communicate on a regular basis with the assigned moderator. Adhere to the Home Base Confidentiality Agreement. Submit timesheets to Phyllis Jernigan no later than the 5th of each month.
Next steps... Recording and Reporting Work Time (Timesheets) Keeping in Touch
Moderator Assignments BU10 and BU20 - Chuck Hensey CC58 - Shannon Zarb TE01 and TE02 - Phyllis Jernigan FC01 - Kenya Wallace
Moderator Assignments French - Renee Duckenfield STEM - Kerry Christian ESL - Phyllis Jernigan