Zamir Dika, Pro-rector of Academic issues, SEE University Designing a two-tire BA/MA degree structure and the role of the Learning Outcomes International Seminar Yerevan 4-6 May 2006 South East European University (SEEU) Tetova, Republic of Macedonia ZAMIR DIKA
Zamir Dika, Pro-rector of Academic issues, SEE University ECTS Environment – Legislation in R. Macedonia R. Macedonia member of BD; Law on HE in place from year 2000: allows two-tier degree system BA/MA and ECTS implementation; In the Parliamentary procedure a new Law on HE: obliges HE institutions to implement Bologna Principles;
Zamir Dika, Pro-rector of Academic issues, SEE University SEEU pre-reforms SEEU was established on 2001 as a accredited private non-profit university from the EU and US donations; Integrated University; Consists from 5 socio-economic disciplines: –Law; –Business Administration (BA); –Public Administration (PA); –Communication Sciences and Technologies (CST); –Teacher Training Faculty (TT); From it’s establishment implemented ECTS;
Zamir Dika, Pro-rector of Academic issues, SEE University SEEU pre-reforms Cycles 3 sem * 30 MSEEU Credits ~ 60 ECTS 4 Years * 60 ECTS = 240 ECTS Law BA PACST TT Second Cycle (MA) First Cycle (BA)
Zamir Dika, Pro-rector of Academic issues, SEE University SEEU pre-reforms BA Cycle Law BA PACST TT First Cycle (BA) First Year (2 semesters): ECTS= 60 ECTS; First Semester: Basic Courses and ‘Skill Courses’ (IT skills, English, Second Foreign Lang, Local Languages, EU, etc); Second Year: Core Courses + Elective = 60 ECTS; Third Year: Core Courses + Elective = 60 ECTS; Fourth Year: Core Courses + Advanced Electives (tracks for specialization)/ Internship = 60 ECTS;
Zamir Dika, Pro-rector of Academic issues, SEE University SEEU Environment for *3+2* BA/MA Cycle System SEEU ‘Strategic Plan ’ adopted by the Board for implementation of *3+2* BA/MA system; Existing ECTS modular structures of the Cycles of study; Quality Assurance Infrastructure; ICT at the Campus: –Centralized (integrated) administration- academic system software for ECTS; –Intranet based Course Management System.
Zamir Dika, Pro-rector of Academic issues, SEE University Quality Assurance Infrastructure QAC Law QAT DEAN’S OFFICE (Pro-Deans) Representative of Academic Staff Representative of Students External Stakeholder* Administrative staff: Secretary of Department BA QATPA QATCST QATTT QAT QAC – Quality Assurance Commission headed by the ‘Quality Champion’ QAT – Quality Assurance Teams for each Faculty; *External Stakeholder – External expert from the industry (or society) related with the discipline;
Zamir Dika, Pro-rector of Academic issues, SEE University System for change (simplified) WhoWhatHow Pro-rector for Academic Issues Leads all the process Making Action Plan of Activities (APA) including common guidelines (CG) for the curriculum design and unified ‘skill’ courses for proceeding and drafting the outcomes in the unique forms for reporting to the Rector and in the University organs (Council, Senate, Board) for decisions. DeanImplements; Lead Faculty Activities Implements the APA and CG organizing and leading the activities in the faculty level.
Zamir Dika, Pro-rector of Academic issues, SEE University System for change (simplified) WhoWhatHow Quality Assurance Teams (QAT) Workshops and debate on Learning Outcomes QAT including external stakeholders leads the process of designing program Learning Outcomes (LO) in terms of: Knowledge and understanding; Competences and skills; Attitudes and Concepts; and defining the Job Opportunities. Faculty Council Curriculum architecture and modules Drafting the curriculum architecture for the ECTS Accumulation: ex. Core/Elective ratio, Free electives, Advanced Electives, Internship.
Zamir Dika, Pro-rector of Academic issues, SEE University System for change (simplified) WhoWhatHow Academic staff The LO; Syllabus; and ECTS for the courses Based on the Program Learning Outcomes, Curriculum Architecture, Common Guidelines on the University Level academic staff appointed will propose Syllabuses, Learning Outcomes; including all aspects and requirement for allocation of the ECTS. University Council, Senate, Board Taking the Decision Process will end with discussing draft curriculums in the University organs: - The Council: regulatory aspects; - The Senate: academic aspect; - The Board: strategic aspects.
Zamir Dika, Pro-rector of Academic issues, SEE University Learning Outcomes (LO) approaches Two approaches (by the EUA Quality Culture Project III, Network 4: Teaching and Learning – Implementing Learning Outcomes - Draft) in defining Learning Outcomes: –Bottom-Up (recommended); Means defining first LO in the Module level and move upwards to the Program LO involving al stakeholders. –Top-Down; Vice-versa.
Zamir Dika, Pro-rector of Academic issues, SEE University Learning Outcomes architecture. Learning Outcomes should comprise of: Competences and skills; Knowledge and understanding; Attitudes; Concepts; The following stakeholders contribute to the debate on the expected learning outcomes: Market (Employers) University teachers University administration Students Social partners (including government as a necessary stakeholder) Graduates/Alumni Professional Accreditation Bodies and Associations.
Zamir Dika, Pro-rector of Academic issues, SEE University The result 2 Years (4 Semesters) * 60 (30) ECTS = 120 ECTS 3 Years (6 Semesters) * 60 (30) ECTS = 180 ECTS Law BA PACST TT Second Cycle (MA) First Cycle (BA)
Zamir Dika, Pro-rector of Academic issues, SEE University THANK YOU FOR THE ATTENTION