Teens and Library 2.0 How we mix the two and come up with great results! = !
The Teen Portal to the Library:
Is our Blog This is where we post: Library Events Videos Blog Posts Polls Book Lists It is our Hub
Why a Blog? It’s free ( It’s easy to update. It’s searchable. Your users can bookmark or subscribe to it. You can embed videos easily from Youtube and other video sites. Your teens can COMMENT. You can tag the entries
Commenting adds Conversation For Them: Teens get to weigh in on their views. Letting them have a say shows that we are interested in what they have to say and that we value their opinions. For Us: We have an audience of loyal readers who can give us feed back. Teens tell us what they like and what they don’t like. We are able to ask them questions in a place where they are more likely to feel comfortable answering them.
Keep the Conversation Going with Videos Teen Volunteer!
We have a YouTube ChannelYouTube Channel It’s free It does all the file converting for us It’s easy to embed in our blog We get to use their video player Teens know how to use it Teens can COMMENT on a video, or If they really wanted to, make a video response.
Our Middle School Tab kids are Also in on the Fun &BCOB=0&c=64214& Nav=|&NodeID=4173
Bringing the Conversation to Where the Teens are: Facebook About half of US teens (and growing) use Facebook.* * We echo the content that is on the blog here. This post directs people back to our blog.
On Facebook the Teens can Talk Back to Us These are a few of our friends. They can leave us comments They can like our items. All of our posts show up when they check their “news feed.”
Add Photos to the Conversation These photos are from our Flickr Page
We use Flickr to store our Photos It’s Free Lots of people can have access to all the photos. We can embed them in the blog. We can tag them, and so can our teens. Drawback: ours looks dated because we haven’t kept up with it and the photos are not updated. Teens can comment on them.
Putting it All Together on the Blog This is embedded from our YouTube page. Here is a feed from our Facebook page. Here is a feed from our Flickr account