Blog Kelas VCE Claire Feely Williamstown High School
Acknowledgements: BSC Indonesian staff, in particular Lauren Kenny and also Kelly Beattie Heather Blakey at Global Teacher
Overview What is a blog? Some of the possibilities Some examples Advice and hints Setting up your own class blog Links
Blogging KEY FEATURES OF A BLOG: Posting is easy, looks professional and is archived in reverse chronological order Usually updated regularly Teachers can track progress and control editing Public access to the content via the Internet can be restricted Almost a 5 th macro skill, between speaking and writing SAMPLE VCE CLASSROOM BLOGS:
USING BLOGS WITH SENIOR STUDENTS: – –Exam focused revision of general topics – –Vox pop quizzes – –Upload podcasts – –Field notes and journals (record of excursions, travel or exchange trips) – –Research Journal (record of the research process, eg detailed study) – –Learning Journal (reflection of learning)
Advice and Hints Send a letter home to parents Support: oolkit/default.htm oolkit/default.htm oolkit/default.htm Outline privacy issues clearly Have all posts and comments go through your account before being approved Suggest students write their posts in Word and copy them across to post Edit their posts with them in class if possible before approving Invite other teachers and guests to comment Keep your blog name simple and record it with your password
Getting Started with Global Teacher To register: – –Or Heather Blakey: Once you have your space – – check out some of the ideas other teachers are using their weblogs: – –join one of the existing projects – –Set up as many blogs as you like.
SETTING UP YOUR BLOG Global Teacher –This site has excellent advice and support (quick response!) –Recommended. –Will not be blocked by edupass. Victorian Education Channel (Schools) Many other blog sites are now blocked by the Department and may prove difficult to use and administer in schools
LINKS The following are links provided by Heather Blakey at Global Teacher. Calendar: html html html Index to help navigate the calendar: Links which show how you can use Squidoo and Learning Blogs together: Making a channel at Teacher Tube is another good add on for a blog - specifically related to LOTE And some edublog links:
Questions Can you set up a blog? Can you administrate a basic blog? Have you got some ideas of how it might fit into your teaching? Who might join your project? Have you got some ideas about incorporating mp3 files for your seniors? What else would you like to know?