Polish presidency Work programme


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Presentation transcript:

Polish presidency Work programme Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU Polish presidency Work programme The project refers to the most prominent features of contemporary Polish: modern and dynamic society, with positive energy and optimism for the European integration, initiating positive changes. Logo symbolically refers to the values ​​that accompany Poland since the beginning of membership in European Union: solidarity, competitiveness, consistency, openness and sense of community. Graphics designed by Mr. Jerzy Janiszewski, who is also the author the original logo of "Solidarity" in 1980. Logo of "Solidarity" has become a historical symbol of the struggle for freedom and democratic transformation. In 1980, Janiszewski could not suppose that 30 years later, will be invited to design a symbol of the Presidency Polish in the Council of the European Union. Today's logo draws on the rich tradition and history of the "Solidarity" and the positive changes that Poland conducted over the past 20 years. The dynamic nature of the project - colorful arrows of white - red flag - is a harbinger of impending optimistic Polish Presidency, which start in July 2011. Projekt nawiązuje do najbardziej widocznych cech współczesnej Polski: nowoczesne i dynamiczne społeczeństwo, z pozytywną energią i optymizmem dla Europejskiej integracji, inicjujące pozytywne zmiany. Logo symbolicznie odnosi się do wartości, które towarzyszą Polsce od początku członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej: solidarności, konkurencyjności, spójności, otwartości i poczucia wspólnoty. Grafika została zaprojektowana przez p. Jerzego Janiszewskiego, który jest również autorem oryginalnego logo "Solidarności" z 1980 roku. Logo "Solidarności" stało się historycznym symbolem walki o wolność i demokratyczne przemiany. W 1980 roku Janiszewski nie mógł przypuszczać, że 30 lat później zostanie zaproszony do zaprojektowania symbolu Przewodnictwa Polski w Radzie Unii Europejskiej. Dzisiejsze logo czerpie z bogatej tradycji i historii "Solidarności" i pozytywnych zmian, które Polska przeprowadziła w ciągu ostatnich 20 lat. Dynamiczny charakter projektu – kolorowe strzałki z białoczerwoną flagą – jest optymistycznym zwiastunem nadchodzącej Polskiej Prezydencji, która rozpocznie się w lipcu 2011 roku.

Our Logo Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU Author: Jerzy Janiszewski, the outstanding graphic and artist, who designed „Solidarity” logo in 1980s The logo symbolizes: modern and dynamic society energy and optimism for European integration the drive for positive changes The project refers to the most prominent features of contemporary Polish: modern and dynamic society, with positive energy and optimism for the European integration, initiating positive changes. Logo symbolically refers to the values ​​that accompany Poland since the beginning of membership in European Union: solidarity, competitiveness, consistency, openness and sense of community. Graphics designed by Mr. Jerzy Janiszewski, who is also the author the original logo of "Solidarity" in 1980. Logo of "Solidarity" has become a historical symbol of the struggle for freedom and democratic transformation. In 1980, Janiszewski could not suppose that 30 years later, will be invited to design a symbol of the Presidency Polish in the Council of the European Union. Today's logo draws on the rich tradition and history of the "Solidarity" and the positive changes that Poland conducted over the past 20 years. The dynamic nature of the project - colorful arrows of white - red flag - is a harbinger of impending optimistic Polish Presidency, which start in July 2011. Projekt nawiązuje do najbardziej widocznych cech współczesnej Polski: nowoczesne i dynamiczne społeczeństwo, z pozytywną energią i optymizmem dla Europejskiej integracji, inicjujące pozytywne zmiany. Logo symbolicznie odnosi się do wartości, które towarzyszą Polsce od początku członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej: solidarności, konkurencyjności, spójności, otwartości i poczucia wspólnoty. Grafika została zaprojektowana przez p. Jerzego Janiszewskiego, który jest również autorem oryginalnego logo "Solidarności" z 1980 roku. Logo "Solidarności" stało się historycznym symbolem walki o wolność i demokratyczne przemiany. W 1980 roku Janiszewski nie mógł przypuszczać, że 30 lat później zostanie zaproszony do zaprojektowania symbolu Przewodnictwa Polski w Radzie Unii Europejskiej. Dzisiejsze logo czerpie z bogatej tradycji i historii "Solidarności" i pozytywnych zmian, które Polska przeprowadziła w ciągu ostatnich 20 lat. Dynamiczny charakter projektu – kolorowe strzałki z białoczerwoną flagą – jest optymistycznym zwiastunem nadchodzącej Polskiej Prezydencji, która rozpocznie się w lipcu 2011 roku.

General priorities of the Polish presidency Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU European Integration as the source of growth Secure Europe – food, energy, defense Europe benefitting from openness

PL PRES – Energy agenda Key priority of the PL PRES: Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU Key priority of the PL PRES: ”Strengthening the external dimension of the EU energy policy” The Polish Presidency intends to contribute to the definition of the EU’s external energy policy. Enhancing the effectiveness of this policy area is a priority. The Presidency plans to hold a debate on how to develop this policy in the coming years and on the mechanisms that could help strengthen the EU’s voice in the global energy dialogue.

Strengthening EU External Energy Policy The way forward Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU Timeframe for discussion Stage 1 presentation of Cion’s COM on energy SoS and intern. cooperation first exchange of views discussion with Energy Community on EU acquis implementation 19-20 Sept Informal Energy Ministers’ meeting Stage 2 presentation and discussion on draft Conclusions agreement by WP ENER and CRP WP ENER COR I Sept - Nov Stage 3 discussion and agreement on TTE Conclusions 24th Nov 9th Dec

TRIO programme vs 6-m PL programme Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU TRIO programme PL PRES contribution Energy Strategy 2020 Energy infrastructure proposal – Exchange of Views Energy Roadmap 2050 – Presentation 2020 energy efficiency Energy Efficiency Directive – Progress Report ‘Energy Star’ – Agreement External dimension Communication on security of energy supply and international cooperation - Adoption of Council Conclusions Proposal on information exchange system on International Governmental Agreements between Member States and third countries - Progress Report

Some energy related dossiers under other than TTE Council formations Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU Biomass - development of renewable energy in rural areas – AGRI Indirect land use change (ILUC) – ENVI Low carbon-economy roadmap conclusions – ENVI 16July 2011Sat, 09:00 Discussion concerning energy use of biomass from agriculture and the development of renewable energy sources in rural areas. The meeting will gather agriculture ministers representing the Member States, EU Council, EP and EC representatives, as well as Polish parliament and government delegates. The conference will include an in-depth discussion on the development of renewable energy sources in rural areas and the use of community biomass resources for energy purposes. The debate concerning possible improvements in the competitiveness of EU agriculture via the development of renewable energy investment in agriculture will be continued during the conference. There will also be a chance to discuss the use of the EU’s agricultural potential for the purposes of the climate and energy package, taking the current conditioning for such initiatives into account. Combining the Common Agricultural Policy with the climate-energy policy may become the driving force of the development of rural areas caused by increased energy security and diversification of revenue sources in agriculture.

WP ENER: 1st, 11th, 18th, 26th Energy Calendar for July WP ENER Agenda Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU WP ENER Agenda PRES energy event Other energy related events Energy Efficiency Directive IRENA Council preparation TRK/AZER mandate International relations PL PRES inauguration reception - 11th July HL meeting of DGs for energy, Bełchatów, Poland, 13 -15th July Presentation of PL PRES energy priorities, ITRE (EP), 12th July Conference - Energy use of biomass from agriculture, Sopot, 16th July. Conference - Scientific Support to a Competitive European Low Carbon Economy: Energy, Transport and Emerging Technologies, Warsaw, 7th July. WP ENER: 1st, 11th, 18th, 26th

WP ENER: 6th, 12th, 27th Energy Calendar for September WP ENER Agenda Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU WP ENER Agenda PRES energy events Other energy related events Communication on External Energy Policy (EEP) EEP Council conclusions Safety of offshore oil and gas activities Energy Efficiency Directive ‘Energy Star’ International relations Informal Energy Minister meeting (Wrocław) 19-20th Sept. IEA Governing Board (DGs Level) 14-15th Sept. IPEEC Executive Committee Meeting Paris, 28-29th Sept. EASTERN PARTNERSHIP SUMMIT, Warsaw, 29-30th Sept. WP ENER: 6th, 12th, 27th

CRP I: 26th - TTE Agenda adoption Energy Calendar for October Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU WP ENER Agenda PRES energy events Other energy related events EEP conclusions Safety of offshore oil and gas activities Energy Efficiency Directive ‘Energy Star’ International relations Conference on Energy infrastructure + ACER Board of Regulators (Cracow) 10-11th of Oct. Energy Community Ministerial Council, Chisnau, 6th Oct. IEA Governing Board Meeting (Ministerial Level) 18-19th Oct. OECD/NEA Steering Committee Meeting, 27-28th Oct. WP ENER: 4th, 20th, 25th CRP I: 26th - TTE Agenda adoption

CRP I: 9th – TTE substance Energy Calendar for November Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU WP ENER Agenda PRES energy events Other energy related events EEP conclusions Safety of offshore oil and gas activities Energy infrastructure proposal International relations Formal TTE, Brussels, 24th Nov. SET Plan Conference, Warsaw, 28-29th Nov. IPEEC Policy Committee Meeting US – UE Energy Council (tbc) EU – China Summit (tbc) Energy Charter Conference (tbc) WP ENER: 8th, 15th, 29th CRP I: 9th – TTE substance

WP ENER: 6th, 13th Energy Calendar for December WP ENER Agenda Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU WP ENER Agenda PRES energy events Other energy related events Safety of offshore oil and gas activities Energy infrastructure proposal Energy Efficiency Directive Energy RM 2050 Electric vehicle and hydrogen (RED) International relations European Council, Brussels. 9th Dec. 9th December EU - Iraq High Level Energy Conference, Brussels (tbc) WP ENER: 6th, 13th

PL PRES team Chair Małgorzata Mika-Bryska, Minister Counsellor Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU Chair Małgorzata Mika-Bryska, Minister Counsellor Malgorzata.mika-bryska@msz.gov.pl Deputy – chair Adam Janczak, Counsellor Adam.janczak@msz.gov.pl Expert Mr. Mariusz Kawnik, attaché Mariusz.kawnik@msz.gov.pl Assistant Anna Dubowik Anna.dubowik@msz.gov.pl

Thank you for your attention Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU We are awaiting you at The Polish Presidency Inauguration Reception (ENER & ATO Working Parties) at Pomorskie Regional EU Office Venue: 6 Rond Point Schuman, 8th floor Time: on 11th July at 6.30 pm