Punctuality and Discipline To Achieve GOAL ( Aim)
A clear vision of the aim in life will help in avoiding many unnecessary things and to make a concentrated effort to attain it. The student who is determined to secure the first rank for his school and the athlete who is determined to win a gold medal for his country prepare and train themselves making many sacrifices. ife GOAL reat bsession ccomplish
We have to dream our long term goals to do good to others, may be as a doctor, writer, social worker or missionary. We must also set short-term goals like making studies in Phychology and attending gospel studies. Goals in heavenly Accomplishments With other aim we must have noble aims also, to bring life in fullness which God wants.
Jesus Christ worked hard with just one aim before him-set up Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Goals in heavenly Accomplishments He was active day and night during the short term of his life. There for by the end of his life he could pray this: “I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do”.( John 17:4)
Discipline is self restraining to live right. Discipline Strict living Restricting by time Well organized
Time is precious “ All the treasures of the earth cannot bring back one lost moment” French Proverb Time which is lost as a result in idleness and carelessness can never be regained. Therefore let us remember how vigilant we must be to devote our time to noble deeds and noble thoughts. How punctual are we in matter of worship and spiritual organisational activities.? If everyone tires to come in time without bothering about others changes will take place slowly. A thought to think?
The famous poet Dante Said: “It is the wisest who grieve most at loss of time.” The Roman Emperor Titus who knew the value of time once said during a dinner, that day was lost because he could not do any kind deed that day. “Time and tide waits for none.” Those who love life will not waste a little time because life is made of time. Those who kill themselves.
Concentrate on Today Those who indulge in temporary pleasures and comforts and put of important duties of life, those who want to keep postponing what they must do and wait for better opportunities, Every stone make a large building. Instead, you can start with little and improve to reach the best. They Fail to reach accomplishments. Living every day right make our future bright.
Concentrate on Today Regretting the losses and failures of the past and worrying about the future we falter and fail to discharge the duties of Today. The past is past and future is not in our hands. The success of life depends on how we use the present. The Lord says not worry about tomorrow. ”Sufficient unto day the day is evil there of” ( Matthew 6:34) Failure is the stepping stone to success.
Life is Mortal ( A universal Truth) Many ancient religious texts say that it is good to meditate on one’s own death. Those who have vision of discipline and punctuality may thus pray with the Psalmist.” If we think of the transience of life, we will use our time well. Note how the Bible presents life comparing it with the short-Living grass, tower and vapour. So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” ( Psalm: 90:11)