How well versed are you at Star Trek trivia? Let’s see… Ready? Engage! Star Trek Trivia Quiz How well versed are you at Star Trek trivia? Let’s see… Ready? Engage!
Which ship did Captain Maxwell command? A) Pegasus B) Prometheus C) Potemkin D) Phoenix E) Princeton F) Enterprise C
What was the name of the sister ship of the NX-01 Enterprise, the NX-02? A) Yorktown B) Constellation C) Constitution D) Eagle E) Columbia F) Defiant
What was the name of Spock’s half-brother? A) Sarek B) Sybok C) Stonn D) Surak E) Satok F) T’Pring
According to Dr. Crusher, Romulan blood is compatible with which other race? A) Klingon B) Orion C) Human D) Ferengi E) Andorian F) No one’s
The Prime Directive is also known as what? A) First Directive B) Prime Order #1 C) Starfleet Order #2 D) Federation Policy E) Captain’s Directive F) General Order #1
Lt. Commander Data’s command in ‘”Redemption, part II” was which ship? A) USS Sutherland B) USS Saratoga C) USS Farragut D) USS Hood E) USS Enterprise D F) USS Bozeman
What was the Deep Space 9 station originally called? A) Empok Nor B) Orbital Docking Station Bajor C) K-4 station D) Terok Nor E) Bajor Station
Which race was at war with the Vulcans in the mid-22th century? A) Andorians B) Klingons C) Romulans D) Orions E) Terrans F) Gorn
What did the ‘’T’ stand for in James T. Kirk? A) Tiberius B) Thomas C) Thadeus D) Thodderick E) Timothy F) nothing…just T
What was the name of the person who created the ‘Ultimate Computer’? A) Dr. Noonien Soong B) Richard Daystrom C) Zefram Cochrane D) Issac Asimov E) Flint F) Harry Mudd
In Star Trek: The Motion Picture, who was in command of the Enterprise before Kirk took command? A) Capt. Spock B) Capt. Harriman C) Matt Decker D) Ben Finney E) Capt. Pike F) Willard Decker
What high school did Geordi LaForge attend? A) PS 17 Harlem B) Baton Rouge HS C) Mars Science Academy D) James T Kirk High E) Montgomery Scott Prep School F) Zefram Cochrane HS
What tribe was Commander Chakotay from? A) Rubber Tree People B) Hopi/Pueblo C) Zuni /Creek tribes D) Mayan Priest caste E) Standing Water Clan F) Aztec Panther People
What was the training exercise called that tested new bridge officers in ST:II? A) Corbomite Maneuver B) Enterprise Incident C) Picard Maneuver D) Docking Scenario Star Base 6 E) Kobayashi Maru F) Kirk’s Yeoman
Okay! Ready to see how well you did? Here are the answers!
Answer Key 1-- D 8 -- A 2 -- E 9 -- A 3 -- B 10 -- B 4 -- A 11 -- F 5 -- F 12 -- F 6 -- A 13 -- A 7 -- D 14 -- E
Hope you did well! Qa’Pla!