Pueblo Indians Indians of the Southwest
Pueblo Indians The Pueblo tribe consisted of several smaller tribes, the biggest being the Hopi (HOH-pee) and the Zuni (ZOO-nee). The leader of the tribe was very religious. The Hopi often traveled very far for trading purposes.
Location of the Pueblo The Pueblo Indians lived in the desert area known as the Southwest, mostly Arizona and New Mexico. It consisted of mesas, mountains, cliffs, and canyons. Intense summer heat is followed with a harsh winter cold. There is little to no precipitation. It was extremely dry, but the Pueblo still managed to grow crops.
Pueblo Homes and Farming Pueblo houses, or pueblos, were usually either made of stone and mud or adobe. There was usually a ladder in case of attack, so they could get higher ground. The pueblos were typically built near mesas or on the sides of steep canyons. The Pueblo tribe was still able to manage to grow their staple crops- corn, beans, and squash- despite the extremely arid environment.
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