Glycemic Durability of Rosiglitazone, Metformin, or Glyburide Monotherapy Kahn SE, et al. (ADOPT Study Group) N Engl J Med 2006;355:2427-43 Steven E. Kahn,


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Glycemic Durability of Rosiglitazone, Metformin, or Glyburide Monotherapy Kahn SE, et al. (ADOPT Study Group) N Engl J Med 2006;355: Steven E. Kahn, M.B., Ch.B., Steven M. Haffner, M.D., Mark A. Heise, Ph.D., William H. Herman, M.D., M.P.H., Rury R. Holman, F.R.C.P., Nigel P. Jones, M.A., Barbara G. Kravitz, M.S., John M. Lachin, Sc.D., M. Colleen O'Neill, B.Sc., Bernard Zinman, M.D., F.R.C.P.C., Giancarlo Viberti, M.D., F.R.C.P., for the ADOPT Study Group Study Overview  This double-blind, randomized, controlled trial evaluated rosiglitazone, metformin, and glyburide as an initial treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes  Rosiglitazone reduced the risk of treatment failure (the primary outcome) by 32% as compared with metformin and by 63% as compared with glyburide  The potential risks, benefits, and costs of these medications should all be considered to help inform the choice of pharmacotherapy for patients with type 2 diabetes

Enrollment and Outcomes Kahn SE, et al. (ADOPT Study Group) N Engl J Med 2006;355:

Baseline Characteristics of the Patients* - Part I Kahn SE, et al. (ADOPT Study Group) N Engl J Med 2006;355:

Baseline Characteristics of the Patients* - Part II Kahn SE, et al. (ADOPT Study Group) N Engl J Med 2006;355:

Kaplan-Meier Estimates of the Cumulative Incidence of Monotherapy Failure at 5 Years Kahn SE, et al. (ADOPT Study Group) N Engl J Med 2006;355:

Hazard Ratio for Monotherapy Failure in the Rosiglitazone Group, as Compared with the Metformin and Glyburide Groups in Key Subgroups Kahn SE, et al. (ADOPT Study Group) N Engl J Med 2006;355:

Fasting Plasma Glucose (Panel A), Glycated Hemoglobin (Panel B), Insulin Sensitivity (Panel C), β-Cell Function (Panel D), over Time, According to Treatment Group Kahn SE, et al. (ADOPT Study Group) N Engl J Med 2006;355:

Weight (Panel E), Waist Circumference (Panel F), Hip Circumference (Panel G), and Waist-to-Hip Ratio (Panel H) over Time, According to Treatment Group Kahn SE, et al. (ADOPT Study Group) N Engl J Med 2006;355:

Adverse Events, Laboratory Assessment, Concomitant Use of Cardiovascular Drugs, Hospitalization, and Death* - Part I Kahn SE, et al. (ADOPT Study Group) N Engl J Med 2006;355:

Adverse Events, Laboratory Assessment, Concomitant Use of Cardiovascular Drugs, Hospitalization, and Death* - Part II Kahn SE, et al. (ADOPT Study Group) N Engl J Med 2006;355:

Rate of Fractures Kahn SE, et al. (ADOPT Study Group) N Engl J Med 2006;355: