A gifted person is someone who shows, or has potential for showing, an exceptional level of performance in one or more areas of expression. Some of these.


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Presentation transcript:

A gifted person is someone who shows, or has potential for showing, an exceptional level of performance in one or more areas of expression. Some of these abilities are very general and can affect a broad spectrum of the person’s life. Some are very specific talents and are only evident in particular circumstances. It is generally recognized that approximately 5% of the student population in the United States are considered gifted.

Superior Cognitive Specific Academic ( Mathematics, Science, Reading, Social Studies) Creativity Visual and Performing Arts

Outstanding mental capacity compared to other children their age abstract reasoning logical reasoning memory spatial relations

Preformed at or above the 95% on an approved individual or group standardized nationally normed achievement test

 Cognitive Abilities Test, Form 5 (CogAT) Criteria: Screening score higher than 112; Identification score of 128 or higher  Raven Progressive Matrices Criteria: Screening score higher than 112; Identification score of 128 or higher

Possessing either potential or demonstrated ability to perform at an exceptional high level in a specific academic area Typically at least above average intelligence Extremely capable of high performance in one or few academic areas Achievement tests 95% or higher in Reading, Language Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies.

 Terra Nova (CTBS/5) Survey Criteria: Screen score higher than the 85%; Identification score of 95% or above in any area  Metropolitian Criteria: 95% or higher in any area

Perform at exceptional high levels in creative thinking and divergent approaches to conventional tasks Innovative or creative reasoning Advanced insight and imagination Unique problem solvers Demonstrate fluency, elaboration, flexibility, and originality

 Gifted and Talented Evaluation Scale (GATES) Section 3 Criteria: Identification Score of 77  Cognitive Abilities Test, Form 5 (CogAT) Criteria: Identification score higher than 112;

Demonstrating outstanding aesthetic production, accomplishment, or creativity in one of the following areas: Art Music Dance Drama

 Gifted and Talented Evaluation Scale (GATES) Section 3 Criteria: Identification Score of 77  Audition Process

 Very Alert  Long Attention Span  Excellent Memory  Rapid Learner  Advanced Vocabulary  Very Observant  Very Curious  More Than One Imaginary Companion  Vivid Imagination  High Degree of Creativity

 Intense Interest in Books  Interest in Math Games  Interest in Puzzles  Interest in Calculators  Interest in Computers  Many Talents  Great Number of Interests  Willing to Invest Time in Interests

 Sophisticated Sense of Humor  Intense Reactions to Frustration  Perfectionistic  Chooses Older Companions  Likes to Play Alone  Great Concern with Morality and Justice  Acts Mature for Age  Highly Competitive  Strong Leadership Ability

Differentiation Clustering Resource Room Pull- out Acceleration by Subject or Grade Mentorships Honor Classes Academic Competitions Seminars, Small Group Enrichment

Adjustment of pace, depth, and delivery of content to meet student needs Replacement or adjusting assignments so that they assure appropriate level of challenge and continuous progress

All students cover same comparable material but process and product are varied Teachers design multilevel activities into assignments that allow students to succeed and progress wherever they are in content. Allows students to build on prior knowledge and prompt continuous progress

A 3-step process assess what the student knows plans for learning what is not known plans for freed-up time in enrichment or acceleration

Provides experience for students to develop planning and research skills at advanced levels student and teacher identify problem that would enrich or extend the basic curriculum unit. identify resources identify methods identify strategies establish time lines provide guidance and feedback

Analytical thinking Creative thinking Critical thinking Organizational thinking

Encourages content related connections Pursuing to intensity topics of interest or passion Incorporates multiple intelligence's

Students are a part of many groups - based on match of task to student Teachers may create skill-based or interest- based groups Movement among groups is common Differentiation occurs by moving grouped students into advanced skills

Primary Education Thinking Skills Program Deductive Logic Analysis Inventive Thinking Creative Thinking Judging Mental Manipulation of Shapes

Grades 1 & 2 meet in the Matrix Room during the Waterford Lab Time approximately 55 minutes per week. This minimizes the amount of direct instruction the students miss in their regular classroom. Progress reports will be issued twice a year. Look for the Clear Take Home Folders. Mrs. Goad is at Kilgour on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.

Subject Level Acceleration moving students or groups of students through content at a rapid pace or moving students where the appropriate pace or instruction is occurring Grade Acceleration moving students who needs can best be met by grade advancement

Students work with resource teacher, parent volunteer, older student or community member who can guide their growth in a particular area.

. Courses which offer more challenging material through higher levels of content, process, and products.

Provide enrichment for students who demonstrate mastery and competence with work Are differentiated so that they are appropriately challenging Offered during the school day

Scholarly competitions and organizations Odyssey of the Mind Imagination Destination

 Includes Student Assessment Data File  Includes your child’s strengths and interest  Includes Service Delivery During Regular School Day  Includes Grade level service specifications  Includes Parent/Guardian signature  Completion Date Prior to December  Please Sign –up for a conference time or return conference preference sheet as soon as possible.

Dates and times to be announced.

Raising and nurturing a gifted child can be an exciting yet daunting challenge. A gifted child often develops cognitively at a much faster rate then they develop physically and emotionally, posing some interesting problems. The key to raising gifted children is respect: respect for their uniqueness, respect for their opinions and ideas, respect for their dreams.

.  Parent Association Tab  Dues are required  Offers informational and a political voice  Sponsors professional and parental workshops  Membership handouts available

 Websites Containing Information Pertinent to Gifted Parents/Guardians  Resources to Investigate  Handout available

Contact your child’s teacher. Call Carol Goad or Kirk Haynes, Gifted/Talented Resource Teachers at Kilgour Elementary or k12.org. Contact your Principal, Angela Cook Contact Betsy Onnen, Coordinator of Gifted Programming, Cincinnati Public Schools