Developing blended mode Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes to promote Education for Sustainable Development SEAMEO RECSAM 2013 Penang, Malaysia
Concept and Rationale of e Learning 1.Enhance learning journey 2.Simulate 21 st century learning platforms (taking in-charge of individual learning pace) 3.Encourage cross-cultural orientations, and 4.Reduce our anthropogenic carbon dioxide foofprint.Reduce our anthropogenic carbon dioxide foofprint. Pedagogy of e Learning 1.Constructivism 2.Social constructivism
My carbon footprint of attending this conference =110 kg (by Van-Penang to Hai Jai-Krabi) =360 kg (by air travel-Penang to Krabi via Kuala Lumpur BACK
RECSAM’s Online Programmes 1.Blended mode Continuing Professional Development (CPD) 2. Online LMS-using Moodle (Climate Change Integrated Education)
SEARCH and its six sub-portals that facilitate blended learning programmes
SpecP2E2 sub-portal that promote Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
Graphical presentation for participants’ overall perceptions on their knowledge for various workshop contents
Climate Change Integrated Education (CCIE) online course
Learning Management System (LMS) Using Moodle in Asynchronous Approach
Blended CPD: The findings of this research study revealed that generally teachers participated in the blended mode CPD programmes gained enriched exposure in cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains of learning. They had shown enhanced pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), technological skills and positive attitudes towards ESD with evidential learning output. On-going Online Course: Climate Change Integrated Education Observation: Pre-registered=12 Actual=Only 7 (1 Thailand, 5 Philippines and 1 Indonesia
Many teachers find it difficult to change how they teach and learn: Because they learned mathematics or science or any other learning areas in ways that are very different from those reflected in the national science and mathematics standards. They learned by memorizing information and others’ explanations through a transmission model. These experiences served as powerful models for their own teaching and created a script that they followed in their own teaching (Stigler and Hiebert, 1999). (Loucks-Horsley et al., p.49)
Julito C. Aligaen Research and Development (R&D) Division, RECSAM, Penang THANK YOU TO ONE AND ALL!