Beowulf the Anglo-Saxon Epic Mrs. Mateyka English III
Celtic Invasion Beaker People Celts – ( BC) Gaels, Picts, Scots, etc. Viking Raids
Roman Invasion Romans – (55 BC – 55 AD) –Hadrians’s Wall –Left ~ 410 Incorporated Celtic Culture Many Remained Ambrousius Aurelianus (550)
Viking Invasion Used longboats to cross oceans Used axes, swords and shields
Viking Invasion Longboats Angles – –South Danish Penninsula Saxons – West of Angles Start Settling Weapons Culture, stories
Making it Clearer Angles and Saxons tell the story in England about Danes and Geats including historic figures from 500’s Written down by West Saxon Scribe about 1000AD Vikings were Pagan, Celtic/Romans were largely Christianized
Cultural Background Viking Warlord Structure Meadhalls Wergild Wyrd Women’s roles Scop
The Structure Epic –Heroic, Elegiac Rigid Structure, 4 stresses per line Stock Phrases, Tangents Caesura Alliteration Kennings
How it sounds
The Story Beowulf – Geat Hrothgar – Dane Herot – Hart Values – Bravery, Dignity, Prowess, Boasting Weird and Cool Monster Story
The Manuscript Cotton Library – Fire British Library Copied, Preserved, X-Rayed, UV Scanned, Digitized, Uploaded Legal Document, Mrs. Pretty vs. British Gov’t
The Epic Three Major Battles One Hero Two Settings - Sweden and Denmark
How it sounds today
Sources of Images s/graphics/superman/index.htmhttp:// s/graphics/superman/index.htm jpg