Where did the Celts live? Celtic settlements: Raths, Crannogs, Hillforts, Promontory Forts
What are Raths? Raths are forts that are enclosed by circular ditches or mounds of earth Made of timber Where wood was scarce, some were built in stone, these are called cashels Archaeologists use aerial photography to find locations- over 40,000 in Ireland Several families lived inside them Underground passages called souterrains( used for hiding/storing food)
What is this called?
What are crannogs? Man-made islands in lakes Circle made of trees: circle of wooden stakes was put onto the bed of water, then layers of stones, mud and twigs were put into the circle to build a mound higher than the water level, a fence was built around the mound and houses were built inside the fence Some crannogs linked to mainland by wooden bridge, stepping stones or by boats hidden along the shore Archaeologists have found over 1200 crannogs across Ireland Found many bronze and iron tools
What are Hillforts? Like raths but much bigger and built on a hill 50 have been found in Ireland Used for important events such as religious festivals or markets Possibly be headquarters of Celtic kings Example: Tara(Co Meath)
What are Promontory forts? Built on cliff tops Found on the west and south coast of Ireland Example is Dun Aengus on Inis Mor in the Aran Islands Archaeologists believe this was used for religious purposes
Clip on the Celts, how they came to Ireland, settlements and the arrival of Christianity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC5D70Xmvqg
Questions List the different kinds of place where the Celts lived. How were crannogs built? Where can we find examples of Hillforts? Draw and label each of the settlements that the Celts lived in. Explain the following keywords: raths, Hillforts, crannogs, promontory forts
Verbal Test Who were the Aos Dana? What were the social classes of this time? What are Raths? What are Crannógs?
Farming Fashion and jewellery Religion and burial customs Life in Celtic Ireland Farming Fashion and jewellery Religion and burial customs
Life in Celtic Ireland: Farming played an important part in the lives of most Celts Cattle, sheep and pigs were kept Cattle very important for the Celts, under Brehon Laws: wealth was measured in cattle Rotary quern was used to ground wheat into flour, flour was used to make bread
Fashion and Jewellery The Celts cared about their appearance! Made make up from herbs and berries Clothes made from linen and wool Poor men wore trousers, women wore plain wool tunic Rich men wore a knew length linen tunic called a leine, tied at the waist by a crois Legend tells us the Celts were tall and good looking, hair was fair and the dyed it to make it lighter using lime-wash Women wore ankle length linen tunics In winter, they wore woollen cloaks (brats) pinned at the shoulder with a gold or silver brooch Rich people dyed their clothes in bright colours and richly embroidered
Activity: Draw and label a man and woman from Celtic times
Celtic Fashion
Religious and burial customs Believed in many Gods: Examples An Dagda: chief god, also god of after- life Lugh: god of war (Festival of Lughnasa, held in August) Brigid: main goddess Worshipped in woods (oak tree sacred to them) Religion important: druids held in high esteem They offered sacrifices to the gods (animals mostly sometimes human) Religious holidays: Samhain, Cremated their dead, sometimes buried with goods (believed in afterlife)
Ogham Stones Graves marked by standing stones Some have writing on them called ogham Lines carved into stone Spell out name of the person Ogham earliest form of writing in Ireland
Write your name in Ogham
Questions Why were cattle so important to the Celts? Describe how the Celts dressed. Why were druids important in Celtic society? What is Ogham? Where can it be found? Write an account of the following: religion in Celtic Ireland
People in History Write about a farmer in Ireland: either stone age, bronze age or iron age Type of settlement Food, lifestyle How society was organised Laws, rules (way of life) Religion, burial customs