APARTHEID Legalized racism or segregation in South Africa
DENYING BLACKS THE RIGHT TO VOTE Only whites had the right to vote. From 1984 to 1994 colored & Asians could only vote for representatives in their own designated district. 72% of the African majority were excluded from voting.
WHITES CONTROLLED THE LAND Laws dating back to 1913 allowed whites to control 87% of the country’s land which included the richest farmland & virtually all the mining & urban industrial areas. The remaining 13% of the country’s land was divided into “bantustans” or “homelands” which were scattered into more than 80 separate isolated, barren, overpopulated & poverty stricken locations throughout South Africa.
DENYING AFRICANS CITIZENSHIP The bantustans excluded Africans from full citizenship rights. Since 1960, more than 3.5 million Africans have been forcibly resettled into these homelands. The white government used the bantustans to claim blacks have achieved “self determination” in their country so no public funds on social services were needed.
CONROLLING FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT PASS LAWS – Require all blacks to carry “passbooks” at all times. They: –Record where they are legally allowed to live & work. –Record their tribe & race. –Contain their fingerprints. –Declare their family status. –In one year alone over 200,000 blacks were arrested for failing to carry their passbook.
CONTROLLING FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT INFLUX CONTROL LAWS – Define what blacks may legally enter “white” areas for what reasons, under what conditions and for how long.
CONTROLLING FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT Blacks must meet strict residence & employment requirements to be allowed to stay more than 72 hours. Blacks not meeting these requirements were subject to forced removals turning millions of blacks into migrant workers in their own country.
CONTROLLING FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT A pool of cheap labor were employed on a contract basis that must be renewed yearly. Wives, children and old people were generally viewed as “worthless” and sent to bantustans. Many African men were forced to live much of their married lives as if they were single, seeing their families for a few weeks once a year
REPRESSING DISSENT Laws were made to prevent those protesting the apartheid policy. South Africa had the highest prison population in the world. (440 in jail for every 100,000 people as compared to US who had 198 in jail for every 100,000 people).
PENALTIES FOR PROTESTERS AGAINST APARTHEID BANNING: – Restrict where the protester could travel & live. –Prevent them from public speaking, writing, appearing at public meetings or being quoted. –Limit the number of people they could meet with at one time. –Not allowed to appeal his banning status and forced to give up his job
PENALTIES FOR PROTESTERS AGAINST APARTHEID TORTURE –Beatings –Electric shocks –Sleep deprivation –Breaking of teeth with pliers without medication –Other mental & physical abuses –Death