The 10 Commandments for Altar Servers
Thou shalt arrive 20 minutes early COMMANDMENT I Thou shalt arrive 20 minutes early
Thou shalt wear dress shoes, preferably black COMMANDMENT II Thou shalt wear dress shoes, preferably black
Thou shalt light candles before Mass and extinguish candles after Mass COMMANDMENT III Thou shalt light candles before Mass and extinguish candles after Mass
Thou shalt not talk, eat, chew gum, or fidget while altar serving COMMANDMENT IV Thou shalt not talk, eat, chew gum, or fidget while altar serving
COMMANDMENT V Thou shalt put hands together in steeple position unless carrying something
Thou shalt work together as one, as if attached as one unit COMMANDMENT VI Thou shalt work together as one, as if attached as one unit
Thou shall put your hands together and wait if you forgot what to do. COMMANDMENT VII Thou shall put your hands together and wait if you forgot what to do.
COMMANDMENT VIII Thou shall be a great server and unobtrusive and not draw unnecessary attention to the servers.
Thou shalt always, always hang up albs and cinctures after Mass COMMANDMENT IX Thou shalt always, always hang up albs and cinctures after Mass
COMMANDMENT X Thou shalt have fun and remember you can’t really mess up when doing God’s work.
Which ones do you think are the most sacred?