Al Tompkins Video Commandments COM 266 Advanced Photography
Al Tompkins – Senior faculty for broadcasting at Poynter Institute – Formerly news director at WSMV-TV in Nashville, Tenn.
1.Thou shall not zoom or pan 2.Thou shall compose thy shots on the thirds
3.Thou Shalt Keep Thy Shot Steady for 10 Seconds 4.Thou Shalt Seek Subjective Soundbites – Make the story more memorable
5.Thou Shalt Shoot Cutaways, Sequences and Transitions 6.Thou Will Seek Great Natural Sound, and Will Shut Up While Shooting – Natural sound takes the viewer closer
7.Thou Shalt Honor Great Lighting. Thou Shalt Put the Camera on the Shadow Side of the Subject
Light on the shadow side
Light on the wrong side
8.Choose a Setting/Background that puts the interviewee in charge and enhances the interview