The domestic economy has reached its highest peak in growth and therefore has gone to overflowing that it cannot accept inputs anymore. This is why companies are trying to expand even way beyond their prospects and stocked knowledge to international markets. With the method of researching for the best or a few of the best growing countries to expand to, this will be useful as it can become a foundation of new returns
Evaluate the external environments of the company. The external environments are known uncontrollable forces. The company has a few chances to manage these forces. The managers should be informed of the present assessment of the forces and also determine where the forces will be heading in the future. Examine the internal environments of the company. The internal forces are the controllable forces. The managers of the development course will obtain reports from the managers of the operational areas that will help in the report for the preparation and planning report.
Identify the company’s business and duty. The mission statement is an extensive statement that will define the scope of the organization. The broad statements will be the means to communicate to the company’s stakeholders like the employees, stockholders, governments, suppliers, and customers what the company is and where the company is heading. It should explain why, how, what, and who its object demographics and the plan to advertise to them
Set corporate purposes. The purposes or aims will direct the company’s way of action. It will also maintain the company’s boundaries within the stated mission and purpose to ensure continues existence in operations. The company should work to achieve things like: Service in its best quality To be the top employer for those who are employed in the company and to the community where the company is located. Possible growth and business expansion by having better branding Satisfied consumers and partnerships and gain return clients Achieve lasting money-making growth through high-quality supervision and systems
Enumerate the objectives of the company through making management in high quality and shareholders as well. Proper organization should be clear between these two. A company should not choose short term profit over satisfaction of clients. The goals should be clear as to scope into the future prepare strategies and create deliberate plans. The company must come up with alternative and competitive strategies, and the right course of action, due to the external environmental forces. A manager must determine the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that can cause danger to the company. Prepare a plan that will feature how the purposes will be met. Teams and other organizations must be placed as of a check and balance to promote profit and be at par in the competition.
Competitor intelligence system (CIS) will give the company the capabilities to forecast if there are any changes that may be needed. The CIS can collect, examine, and distribute information to the concerned people in the company which can permit the company to stay in top of the competition. Managers will also plan possible situations and must make and have a possibility plan to avoid any harsh effect on the company.
The company will always have organizational designs levels of plans. There are 8 levels in the company. Each organizational level has a precise plan to follow. The 8 organizational level plans have put in in the Strategic plan.
Mission Leadership/Management Team/Group Cash Flow/Revenue Communications Systems Legal Product/Service
Mission. Leadership. Team As been detailed earlier, the business should have a mission other than revenue. This mission must be able to give something of great importance. Leadership simply means having the right CEO and the most suitable people in management Team is also vital as it is the means of having the right people for the job or strategic partners planned with the company
Cash Flow. Financial Controls : Once the organization has its strategies organized so that goals can be achieved, funds are prepared for the needed resources and labor. As money is utilized, statements are updated to show the details of the spending. Managers use these financial reports, like the income statement or balance sheet, to know the progress of programs and plans. Financial statements give the management with right information to monitor financial assets and activities. The income statement will show the results of the organization's works over a period of time, such as profits, expenditures, and profit or loss.
Communications. Systems. This consists of sales, advertising, increasing capital, marketing, human resources, public relations, conferences, relationships, etc. Systems should be located where it is regular such as technology used for dispensation, accounting, telephone/customer service, response, etc.
Legal. Products. Services This pertains to the legal processes put in place like licensing, trade names, brands, incorporating, laws, rules that may affect business, etc Products and services should be kept in good quality so that the manufacturing base can be kept up to date. Products should also be improved as time progresses, etc.
Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2008). The Rapid Change of International Business. Retrieved November 30, 2008, from Axia College, Week One reading, aXcess, INB205— International Business Course Web site. Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2008). International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment. Retrieved November 30, 2008, from Axia College, Week One reading, aXcess, INB205— International Business Course Web site. Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2008). Dynamics of International Institutions. Retrieved November 30, 2008, from Axia College, Week One reading, aXcess, INB205— International Business Course Web site. Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2008). Financial Forces. Retrieved November 30, 2008, from Axia College, Week Four reading, aXcess, INB205— International Business Course Web site. Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2008). International Competitive Strategy. Retrieved November 30, 2008, from Axia College, Week Five reading, aXcess, INB205— International Business Course Web site. Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2008). Organization Design and Control. Retrieved November 30, 2008, from Axia College, Week Seven reading, aXcess, INB205— International Business Course Web site. Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2008). Financial Management. Retrieved November 30, 2008, from Axia College, Week Eight reading, aXcess, INB205— International Business Course Web site.