Vision & Mission Statements Mrs. Nations Introduction to Business and Technology
Vision Statement Defines what your business will do and why it will exist tomorrow Can include defined goals to be accomplished by a set date
Mission Statement a formal summary of the aims and values of a company, organization, or individual
Social Circle City Schools- Vision “Social Circle City Schools will be a premier school system providing a world-class education so that all students acquire the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to lead productive lives in a changing world”
Social Circle City Schools- Mission “The mission of the Social Circle City Schools is to provide a premier education for all students.”
Short Term Goals A goal that is set over a short period of time Usually 1 month, 2 months, or even 6 months Example of a high school students short term goal: Pass all test in order to exempt final exams! Complete drivers education course in order to obtain your drivers license!!
Long Term Goals A goal that is set over a long period of time Usually 1 year of more Example of a high school students long term goal: Graduate high school as an honor graduate and enter into a 4 year college, 2 year college, or technical college.
Vision and Mission Statement Activity In groups of two, complete the matching activity. You will need to use the internet to get your answers! Have fun!! Turn in your completed activity for grading