Andy Warhol Jeopardy Pop ArtPrintmakingAndy’s LifeAndy’s ArtThis and That
What does “POP” stand for in Pop Art?
Answer: Popular Art
What is Pop Art usually about?
Answer: Every day modern life and popular things, Famous people and things
Name or describe one artwork of Warhol’s Pop Art.
Answer: Soup cans Animals Elvis Marilyn Self-Portrait
Name or describe another Pop Artist’s work.
Answer: Cartoons Comics Flags Cake
When was Pop Art created?
Answer: 1960’s
What is the most important idea of printmaking?
Answer: You can make more then one copy of the same artwork.
What is the tool you roll on paint with called?
Answer: Brayer
What is the final artwork of printmaking called?
Answer: Print
What is more then one copy of a print called?
Answer: Edition
What is the plate?
Answer: the part that makes copy of the art (foam, wood, metal, silk screen)
Andy’s parents didn’t have a lot of money to send him to school, did he ever get to attend Art College?
Answer: Yes!
When Andy was little he was sick and in bed all the time, what did his mom do to help him pass the time?
Answer: She bought him many different art supplise and let him work on art in bed.
What did Warhol make for people to look at besides Art?
Answer: Movies, greeting cards, record covers
What was Warhol’s first Art job?
Answer: He drew shoes for a magazine.
Andy had a health problem, how did it affect him?
Answer: He had pale (white) skin and hair.
Was Andy’s Art bright colors or dull colors?
Answer: Bright
Was Andy the only person who worked on his art?
Answer: No, lots of people worked on his art.
What are some of Warhol’s most famous Pop Art?
Answer: Soup cans and Marilyn
What did people think about Warhol’s Art?
Answer: They didn’t think is was good, all he was doing was copying pictures.
To become famous what did Warhol’s friend tell him to paint?
Answer: Money and soup cans
When Andy died was he rich and famous?
Answer: YES!! (Most artists only get famous after they die)
In what art method is most of Warhol’s art made? (photography, painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture)
Answer: Prinkmaking
Warhol made lots of copies of his art work, since there are so many are they cheap to buy?
Answer: No!! They are still very expensive.
Where was Warhol’s studio called The Factory located?
Answer: New York
What was Warhol’s goal in life?
Answer: To become famous.