Drawings Online
Web Enabled Drawing Distribution System
Agenda Project Description and Intended Use User Profile Design Protocols Timeline Technical Elements Budget Deliverables Feasibility
Project Description and Intended Use Drawings Online is an Intranet Application Facilitates Easy and Instant Retrieval of Drawings Used to Replace Existing Distribution Methods Used to Enforce Corning Information Protection Policies Used to Help Maintain ISO Standards
User Profile Approximately 600 Corning Associates Varying from Executives to Engineers to Production Skill Levels Varying from Power Users to Non-Users User Profile Dictates a “Point and Click” Application
Design Protocols DOL Hom e Page Search by Comp ID Search by Project Search by Assembly Search by Advanced Modify Projects Modify Drawings Admin Login Modify Misc. Modify Bill of Materials Modify Distribution Lists
Design Protocols
Timeline Task Duration StartFinish System Design 5 days 9/20/00 9/26/00 Build Tables1 day9/27/00 9/27/00 Establish Relationships 1 day9/28/00 9/28/00 Enter Test Data1 day9/29/00 9/29/00 Create Stored Procedures 5 days10/2/00 10/6/00 Build Server Objects8 days10/9/00 10/18/00 Server-Side Scripting10 days10/19/00 11/1/00 UI for Admin5 days11/2/00 11/8/00 Admin Client-Side Scripting 5 days11/9/00 11/15/00 UI for User5 days11/16/00 11/22/00 User Client-Side Scripting 5 days11/23/00 11/29/00 Deploy Working Prototype 2 days11/30/00 12/1/00 Test Prototype5 days12/4/00 12/8/00
Timeline cont. Task Duration StartFinish Revise Prototype20 days12/11/00 1/5/01 Deploy Production Application 2 days1/8/01 1/9/01 User Documentation8 days1/10/01 1/19/01 Admin Documentation8 days1/22/01 1/31/01 System Documentation10 days2/1/01 2/14/01 Prepare for Final Presentation11 days2/15/01 3/1/01 Submit Final Project and Documentation1 day3/2/01 3/2/01 Final Presentation1 day??? ???
Technical Elements Network NameIPMakeProcessorsRAM Hard Drive Maple HP LH3Dual PII400512MB25GB Willow Proliant 6500Dual PIII500/Xeons512MB36GB Pine Proliant 6000Dual PII450/Xeons640MB54GB All Users GatewayPIII 500 or higher128MB15GB
Technical Elements -Visual Basic -Used to build server components (business logic) -Visual InterDev -Macromedia Fireworks 3.0 -SQL Server 7.0 -SQL Server Client Access Licenses (CAL) -Approximately 30 to connect to SQL Server 7.0 -IIS 4.0 (Internet Information Server) -Used as the web server -MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server) -Used to manage server objects -Pro Engineer and/or Personal Designer
Technical Elements -Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or 4.0 -Adobe Acrobat Distiller -Internet Explorer -Windows NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 4 or higher -3 will be needed -Windows NT Option 4.0 -contains IIS 4.0 and MTS -Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Service Pack 4 or higher -1 for each user, 1 for developer, 1 for drawings admin, 1 for each P.D. Engineer.
Budget Component Cost Microsoft MSDN Univ. Subscription (VB, InterDev, etc..) $2500 Macromedia Fireworks $300 SQL Server 7.0 $700 CALs (30 units) $3000 IIS 4.0 /MTS Free Internet Explorer Free Adobe Acrobat Reader 3 or 4 Free Adobe Distiller (10 units) $2000 Pro-Engineer ($200,000) AIP Windows NT Server 4.0 Servers AIP Windows NT Workstation WorkstationsAIP Gateway Desktop PC’s (600 units - $2500/ea)AIP Compaq Servers (3 units - $20000/ea)AIP
Budget –FY2000 Corning budgeted $30,000 for DOL Actual Cost Incurred - Software/Hardware/Licenses$8,500 - Functional Experts Salary$2,000 - Developer Salary$10,000 - Total$20,500 Project Outsourced $80, 000+
Deliverables User Site Working Intranet Application Ability to Search by Component Ability to Search by Assembly Ability to Search by Project Ability to Perform Advanced Searches Cross Reference Utility Personalized Drawing History Ability to Save/Print Drawings
Deliverables Admin Site Ability to Add New Drawings Ability to Modify Existing Drawings Ability to Generate Distribution Lists Ability to Maintain Security Ability to Generate Reports for ISO Purposes
Feasibility Ahead of Schedule Application Already Placed in Production Environment Focusing on Improving Design Adding Bells and Whistles
Demo Drawings Online
Conclusion Drawings Online is a Intranet Application Developed to Distribute and Maintain Drawings Already in Production Environment