Design and Developing of System Administration at CV. Harapan Baru By : Advisor : Triadi Kelah Andreas Handojo, M.MT Alexander Setiawan, M.T
Background The administration system in CV. Harapan Baru still done manually, using a book to record all the transaction. Difficult to find old record. There were difficulties in processing the data to generate useful reports
Problems How to process purchase order and sales order. How to process debt and account receivable. How to handle returns from supplier. How to calculate income statement.
Scope Purchase order, Purchase returns. Sales order. Card of Stock Adjustment of Stock Stock system using First In First Out (FIFO). Reminder for debt and receivable system.
Scope (Cont) Recording debt and receivable installment Receivable limit Report consist of purchasing, return, sales, debt, account receivable, delivery and income statement.
Objective The objective of this Thesis is to design and to make information system which can keep the record of sales, purchasing, goods stock so that can facilitate the record process and making of report for the store.
Problem analysis Transaction and stock data easy to lose. Difficult to track old record. Difficult to know stock data. Difficult to make report.
System Design Consists of 2 types : 1.Data Flow Diagram - Context Diagram - DFD Level 0 - DFD Level 1 2.Entity Relationship Diagram
DFD Level 0 Consists of 4 processes : Purchase order Sales order Adjustment of stock Debt and Receivable
DFD Level 0 (Cont.)
Consists of 2 processes : Purchase Retur DFD Level 1 Purchase Order
DFD Level 1 Sales Order Consists of 2 processes : Sales Delivery
DFD Level 1 Sales Order
DFD Level 1 Adjustment of Stock Consists of 2 processes : Adjusment added Adjusment deduct
DFD Level 1 Adjustment of Stock (Cont)
DFD Level 1 Debt and Receivable Consists of 2 processes : Debt Receivable
DFD Level 1 Debt and Receivable (Cont)
Entity Relationship Diagram
Implementation Using Windows XP for the operating system Using Borland Delphi 7.0 to make the application Using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as the database Using DFD and ERD for the design
Testing Of System Here are the sample of purchase system
Testing of system (Cont.) Here are the sample of sales system
Testing of system (Cont.) To Calculate profit of sales, the system lessening the sales price with the purchase’s price. As an example, the store buy 20 item from 2 supplier, 10 items from supplier and 10 items from supplier and then selling it So the calculation are: (( )*10)+( )*10)=9.000
Conclusion With this computerized system, the employee can record every transaction. With this computerized system, the owner can get sales report, purchase report, delivery, debt and receivable and income statement With this computerized system, income statement can automatically calculated
Suggestions Make the Accounting Information System for the financial statements
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