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Network owners/operators face real challenges – scale and management => capex and opex Networking has to and will change – Give more control to network owners/operators – Enable and accelerate innovation and customization SDN is the solution of choice – Owners/operators want to deploy it – Vendors stepping up to provide products/solutions SDN has to mature to deliver on the promise – OpenFlow protocol, switches, and SDN software stack And it will with all this community interest & participation My Takeaways
“OpenFlow and Software Defined Networking (SDN) are not only here to stay, but they will define the future of networking.” Art Fewell, Network World, 10/18/2011
Jonathan Heiliger Until recently VP Tech Operations, Facebook Founding Director of Open Networking Foundation Has been a champion of OpenFlow/SDN and its potential
Dan Pitt IBM HP Bay Nortel TCP/IP ATM LAN 802 DAVIC IETF IEEE DAVIC ATM Forum ExperienceExpertiseConnectionsSome Grey Hair