Mrs. Salvi Agenda for March 25, 2015 Science 7: Objective: Calculate the solubility of sugar cane (sucrose), Splenda (sucralose) and nutrisweet (aspartame) in water and oil. Engage: DNAZone Classroom Kit - Kitchen Chemistry: Edible Emulsions borrowed from The Center for Nucleic Acids Science and Technology (CNAST) at Carnegie Mellon University and The University of Pittsburgh Explore: Sugar, Salt and Gum Solubility Experiment Explain: solubility, chemical structure of sucrose, sucralose and aspartame, polarity Elaborate: Chewing gum and chocolate acitivity Evaluate: Which sweetener is most soluble in water?
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for March 25, 2015 Science 6: Objective: Students will observe how gas bubbles become trapped in liquid molecules to produce a foam. Engage:DNAZone Classroom Kit - Kitchen Chemistry: Edible Emulsions borrowed from The Center for Nucleic Acids Science and Technology (CNAST) at Carnegie Mellon University and The University of Pittsburgh Explore: Edible Foams Materials and Procedures Explain:Lecithin is classified as an amphoteric surfactant in that it can react with either an acid or a base. It is ideal for converting juices and watery liquids to airs and foams. To produce a stable foam, start with a ration of.6% of lecithin. projects/project_ideas/FoodSci_p057.shtml#background projects/project_ideas/FoodSci_p057.shtml#background Elaborate: Chocolate Chantilly Teacher Demonstration Evaluate: Which liquid makes a better foam, water or oil? Why?
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for March 25, 2015 Science 5: Objective: Students will build a volcano and observe a chemical reaction that allows it to erupt.
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for March 25, 2015 Science 8: Easter Egg Hunt with Preschool
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for March 25, 2015 Science 4 Objective: Students will work together in teams to build the longest chain that will hold the most weight. Engage: Junk Box Wars Challenge Testing Explore: Junk Box Wars Materials - teams will work together to put forth their best design Explain: Weakest Link Challenge Criterion - Elaborate: Junk Box Wars Competition Evaluate: Teams must meet the criterion and have a chain to compete with in the challenge.