M. apollonio MICE Beamline summary. - Beamline parallel session (June 1 st ): - envisaged goals (Alain) - assess readiness of the line magnet status (Ken)


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Presentation transcript:

m. apollonio MICE Beamline summary

- Beamline parallel session (June 1 st ): - envisaged goals (Alain) - assess readiness of the line magnet status (Ken) - new target (Jason) - optics (MA) - diffuser (John) - ( ,P) matrix readiness 2June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL2

STEPI: - setup optics for  rate, then  rate for every set-up needed for the ( ,P) matrix - establish optimal  momentum setting. - understand  purity. - optimize beam rate to beam loss. STEP II: - commission tracker in beam - practice diffuser - precise emittance measurement - then all points of the ( ,P) matrix. In the process -- establish alignment and possible need for correctors etc. -- commission MICE DAQ, C&M, TOF2 & Lumi monitor (from A. Blondel) envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions 3June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL3

envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions 0. soak test 1.commission target 2.commission DKSol – operate at 500 mV beam loss. Begin with D1=D2 3.Q1-3 + DKSol optimisation: maximise GVA1/TOF0 rate for P  (TOF0)=350 MeV/c (record ISIS BLM + Lumi Mon) 4.e+ beam for calibrations P=100 MeV/c: use magic tables 5.re-establish a  beam with P=200 MeV/c  align beam 6.TOF0 calibrations done  commission (350 MeV/c pion/200 MeV/c muon) beam. Optimize on DKS excitation. Scan P(muon) 7.Develop 200 MeV/c muon beam with “6 mm emittance” beam setup. Evaluate beam parameters and emittance of muon beam at TOF1 with TOF0 and TOF1 (*) 8.Complete generation of beams for momentum-emittance matrix Work Plan (*) evaluation of emittance in MICE requires STEPII 4June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL4

conventional magnets (to do list) - Q1-2-3: - re-connect vacuum box / re-establish water flow / test - D1 - re-positioning / piping connection / electrical re-connection - D2 - in position: needs fine positioning / pipe re-connection / electric re-connection / pressure reducing valves fitting - Q water and power connections / fit pressure reducing valves - Q ready to go DK Solenoid - IT WORKS ! (M. Courthold, 2009 a.d.) [  (Archimedes, circa 250 b.c.)] - tested at 5T (870 A) for an hour - max I = 1000 A - needs long run (24 hrs) at 5T - goal: being ready by end of August/beginning of September (tight!) (from K. Longl) Conventional magnet system: – D2, Q6—Q9 will be re-established before the shutdown – Q1—Q3, D1 will be re-established during the shutdown Decay solenoid: – Schedule to complete magnet testing and final acceptance running of Linde frig planned in detail – Plan includes preparation of documentation envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions 5June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL5

NEW TARGET production - impressive progress - still a lot to do - end of July to have assemblies ready - then tests - end of August readiness still very achievable BUT tight ! (from J. Tarrant) envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions 6June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL6

some mechanical changes to cope with: - air pressure / flow - weight control ! air-motor overruns need tests / understanding ASPIRATIONAL SCHEDULE to have diffuser tested in Oxford: 2 / 3 months (hols excluded) if NO nasty surprises (from J. Cobb) envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions 7June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL7

D1 D2 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9 envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions [fingers crossed] 8June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL8 “detectors come and go, please just let me know“

Muon BeamLine: G4BL simulation – Q1.DS CALC_EMI  T= mm rad  x = 4.77 cm  Y = 4.55 cm  T = mm  T = RADIUS = mm  x= mm rad  x = mm  x= 9.68  x= mm rad  y= mm rad  y = mm  y=  y= mm rad P= MeV/c Z=Q1DS X’ vs XY’ vs Y Y vs X mm rad  envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions 9June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL9

Muon BeamLine: G4BL simulation – TOF0 Y vs X  P/P<10%  P/P|>10% CALC_EMI  N= 2.91 mm rad  X = 4.51 cm  Y = 7.02 cm  = 2875 mm  = RADIUS = mm  x= 3.49 mm rad  x= mm  x= eX=1.47 mm rad  y= 2.43 mm rad  y= mm  y= eY=1.02 mm rad X’ vs X Y’ vs Y envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions 10June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL10 P=250 MeV/c Z=TOF0 

CALC_EMI  N= 2.47 mm rad  X = 5.9 cm  Y = 4.37 cm  T = 2334 mm  T = 0.86 RADIUS = 75.9 mm  x= 2.60  x= 2872 mm  x=  y= 2.35  y= 1727 mm  y= P=223 MeV/c Z=TOF1  envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions Y vs X  P/P<10%  P/P|>10% X’ vs X Y’ vs Y Muon BeamLine: G4BL simulation – TOF1 11June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL11

CALC_EMI  = 3.41 mm rad  X = 4.35 cm  Y = 4.88 cm  T = 1250 mm  T = RADIUS = 65.3 mm  x= 3.76 mm rad  x= 1004 mm  x=  y= 3.10 mm rad  y= 1534 mm  y= P=214 MeV/c Z=Diffuser  envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions Y vs X  P/P<10%  P/P|>10% X’ vs X Y’ vs Y Muon BeamLine: G4BL simulation – Diffuser 12June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL12

Optics: are we ready? (shutdown 17 Aug/1 Sept) 2Sept – 25 Oct - On Sept 2 nd we don’t need a beam matched to … something - We can use optics for  =6 mm rad / P=214 MeV/c [STEPII] - Rescale it to other momenta to cover STEPI - later (>october) we need a properly matched beam for all the config. of STEPII [trk-solenoid + diffuser]  matrix completion - more work needed to tune DS-BL (Q4-9) to match MICE optics - we may want to test solenoid at B+/-  B to increase  rate envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions 13June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL13

are we ready?   XY (a) well defined problem know  in solenoid know  at US-diffuser  -line tuned (  =6,10 mm rad, P=214 MeV/c) as case (a) but beam diverges due to absence of solenoid SUGGESTION: use case (a) tuning STEP II Q7Q8Q9 Q7Q8Q9 STEP I envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions 14June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL14

Q4 Q1 Dipole1 DK solenoid Q2Q3 Dipole2 Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9 1) beamline momentum tuning  P  =208 MeV/c P  =444 MeV/c  P  =214 MeV/c fix D1 fix D2 2) beamline quadrupole tuning P  =255 MeV/c envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions 15June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL15

 Q4 Q1 Dipole1 DK solenoid Q2Q3 Dipole2 Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9  INPUT: beamline US section >>>>>>>>> GA procedure - Define 6-genes genotypes: Q currents - Express it as a phenotype: the Twiss parameters at some Z’s - Evaluate phenotype’s fitness - Mate genotypes and produce new individuals - Choose the best & repeat for several cycles GA+Turtle Optimiser OUTPUT: Twiss diffuser US face (+TOF1) envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions 16June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL16

envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions  =78 cm  =132 cm  =0.4  =0.2   June 2 nd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL17June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL17

- The successful commissioning of the beamline is a combination of hardware and optics optimisation - Assume target is working - Assess magnet readiness - 5T to cover up to high P  (MAX=240 MeV/c) - Ongoing work to complete STEPII matrix - Redefining p energy TOF0 instead of 420) to cover all the cases - Optics for STEPI == STEPII - Detector readiness - assume TOF0,1 + GVA1 + Ckova,b + FLMons in place and alive - Preliminary Plan for September / October BL characterization worked out envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions Summary 18June 3 rd 2009MICE CM24 - RAL18