An introduction to Roessingh Research and Development Prof. dr. ir. Hermie J. Hermens
Roessingh Research and Development (Enschede, The Netherlands)
Mission statement Roessingh Research and Development wants to be an internationally acknowledged research institute that generates new knowledge and clinical applications with respect to rehabilitation where it will actively support the implementation of this knowledge in health care
Some Characteristics of RRD (1) Originating from Roessingh Rehabilitation Centre Founded in 1990 (as b.v.) Strong formal and informal connections with Roessingh Strong formalised connection with University of Twente Acknowledged as academic institute Acknowledged (VWS) as Knowledge and transfer centre in the area of rehabilitation technology and pain rehabilitation
Some Characteristics of RRD (2) Over 50 academic people (engineers & clinicians) Strong in multidisciplinary approach Focussed on “rehabilitation” Research focus on: –Diagnostics (sensing) –Restoration of function –Chronic pain –Telemedicine Application focus –Neurological disorders –Chronic pain
Tools Motor Control EMG Movements Lab and ambulatory Gait Spasticity Balance Diagnostics & Monitoring
Neural Stimulation Motor (re)learning Therapeutic Orthotic Robotics Supprorting Simulation Restoration of function
Mechanisms Innovation of Care Cognitive/ behavioral Assessment Ambulant treatment Chronic Pain Motor control
Consultancies Monitoring & Treatment ICT to improve Care Prof-Prof. Prof.-patient Supervised Training Support Monitoring
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