Statewide Quality Advisory Committee (SQAC) Meeting July 24, 2012
22 Agenda Approval of Meeting 5 and 6 minutes Discuss rankings of proposed measures –strong/moderate/weak stratification Build SQMS from framework
55 DISCUSS RANKINGS OF PROPOSED MEASURES Madeleine Biondolillo, Miriam Drapkin, and Iyah Romm
66 DISCUSS RANKINGS OF PROPOSED MEASURES Madeleine Biondolillo, Miriam Drapkin, and Iyah Romm
77 Mandatory Measures see handout
88 Proposed Measures see handout
99 BUILD SQMS FROM FRAMEWORK Madeleine Biondolillo, Miriam Drapkin, and Iyah Romm
10 SQMS Development –SQAC has over 200 quality measures that are either mandated or proposed for inclusion in the SQMS. The process described below is one model for guiding the SQAC through the measure selection process. –The SQAC’s task will be to identify measures within the populated Table that are suitable for the various purposes listed, keeping in mind that they can select no more than 15 measures for each healthcare setting. –The completed Table will allow SQAC members to compare similar measures directly, and discuss specific trade-offs between specific measures. Members can recommend that priority areas be removed or added, and can base decisions on concrete factors such as whether the measure looks at structure, process or outcome, or its recommendation level. –By the end of the meeting, the SQAC will have selected 45 measures—whether mandated or proposed—for inclusion in the Standard Quality Measure Set. Other mandated measures will also technically exist in the SQMS, but these 45 measures will represent the committee’s specific recommendation.
11 SQAC Framework Guide Across the horizontal access, the SQMS Framework identifies for each proposed and mandated measure: –Data Source (including where the measure is currently reported, if applicable) –How the measure fits within the Structure/Process/Outcome domain –Whether the measure is mandated as part of the minimum set –Level of recommendation (preliminary ranking for proposed measures) – S (strong), M (moderate), W (weak), N (no recommendation) –Whether the measure is identified as particularly suitable for a specific purpose
12 Down the vertical access, the SQMS Framework categorizes each proposed and mandated measure based on: –The care setting in which a measure is most appropriate –The priority (and for grouping purposes, sub-priority) area that each measure addresses. In many cases, a measure might address more than one SQAC priority; for these measures, SQAC staff attempted to balance identifying the priority with which a measure most closely aligned with ensuring that as many priority areas as possible were adequately associated with measures. Since this is not an exact science, redistributing measures within this framework is expected, and Committee member feedback is welcomed. SQAC Framework Guide (cont)
14 NEXT STEPS Iyah Romm
15 For more information Next Meeting August 10th, 9:30AM-12:00PM Division of Health Care Finance and Policy 2 Boylston Street, 5 th Floor Boston, MA 02116