CLARIN work packages
Conference Place yyyy-mm-dd
Conference Place yyyy-mm-dd WP 2 - Technical infrastructure Specification, design and prototypical implementations of the technical infrastructure as core of CLARIN Infrastructure - all of the work will be based on the fast European network. Service Centers – centers of different capabilities Registry - portals to register all types of resources (data, tools, knowledge components) such that they can be accessed and interpreted by humans and algorithms. Standards need to be worked out that are flexible enough to cope with resource type differences and sub-discipline terminology and that enable automated workflows. Web Services – to help to overcome the syntactic and semantic differences that we are faced with when applying a certain tool to a certain resource or when concatenating two tools to a new more complex operation.
Conference Place yyyy-mm-dd WP 2 Working groups WG 2.1Requirements for LRT centres WG 2.2 Requirements for the LRT federation WG 2.3LRT federation pilot WG 2.4Specification of the registry infrastructure WG 2.6Web Services and Workflow Requirements WG 2.7Web Services and Workflow Creation
Conference Place yyyy-mm-dd WP 3 - Humanities overview Outreach to Humanities communities, explore potential user needs in Humanities research through scoping and impact studies and direct collaboration with some Humanities projects Need to understand the needs of the SSH community the tools and resources required the best ways of collaboration
Conference Place yyyy-mm-dd WP3 Working groups WG 3.1 Scoping and Impact Study to identify potential collaboration partners to integrate the communities. WG 3.2 Overview of relevant Humanities projects and professional associations – Analysis of past and ongoing projects in the humanities to gain a comprehensive view of the state of the art of applying language technology and of creating modern infrastructures as well as the LR/T requirements of the relevant humanities and social sciences (HSS) domains WG 3.3 Call for Humanities Projects - Work out a call for proposals for exemplary humanities projects, establish criteria, a procedure and finally select appropriate project proposals.
Conference Place yyyy-mm-dd WP 5 - Language resources and technology overview Exploration of the LRT field at large to determine requirements for the technical infrastructure and gaps in LRT services Implementing concrete User Scenarios and filling gaps in LRT Services WG 5.1 Tools WG 5.2 Lexical resources WG 5.3 Corpora
Conference Place yyyy-mm-dd WP5 Objectives Overall goal: Interoperability between linguistic resources and tools Task C1: Working group formation and establishing the detailed activity plan. Task C2: Create a broad and detailed survey of language resources and technology and produce a comprehensive taxonomy. Task C3: Work out the structure and encoding characteristics of resources and the interfacing and import/export characteristics of tools. Task C4: Specify a Basic Language Resources Toolkit (BLARK) and work out criteria for the quality assessment of resources and tools. Task R1: Establish criteria and set priorities for the adaptation, encapsulation and integration of language resources and technology and selectively integrate them. Task R2: Definition of representative usage scenarios which will help us to assess the added value of interoperable language resources. Task R3: Integration of language resources into the emerging web service infrastructure Task R4: Validation the technical standards set in WP2. Validation of representational standards and the interoperability concept.
Conference Place yyyy-mm-dd WP6 - Dissemination WG 6.1: Planning and Dissemination WG 6.2: Website and Newsletter WG 6.3: Referral Help Desk and Registry of Expertise
Conference Place yyyy-mm-dd WP 7 - Intellectual property rights and business models Studying IPR and legal issues with respect to LRT and study business models Agreements and licenses intellectual property rights (IPR) basic ethical rules Authentication and authorization a reliable identification of users a reliable certification of the user reading the license and having signed it.
Conference Place yyyy-mm-dd WP7 Objectives Providing a framework for licensing and authorization between CLARIN and external providers to enable incorporating new and existing resources and technology into CLARIN. This may extend to models for the inclusion of commercial resources and software. Defining the relation to existing initiatives such as in particular ELRA/ELDA and the inclusion of their offering. Providing a set of legal agreement templates to be used between the various actors in order to establish the necessary trust relations and to define the obligations and rights.
Conference Place yyyy-mm-dd WP 8 - Construction and Exploitation Agreement Establishing a legal, organizational and administrational framework for the follow-up phases of CLARIN 8.1 Governance and Management 8.2 Financial Plan 8.3 Transnational coordination, cooperation with third parties and openness
Conference Place yyyy-mm-dd Milestones / deliverables 2008 2009 2010
Conference Place yyyy-mm-dd WP5 Task C4: BLARK Universität Tübingen, Tartu Ülikool, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven In this task, the scheme of a basic language resource kit (BLARK) will be specified. Based on this scheme, gaps will be identified and reported. Strategies for filling the gaps will be discussed with the major stakeholders for these languages. The outcome of this task will allow CLARIN to make suggestions for missing essential resources for certain languages. Also criteria that allow us to assess the quality for language resources and tools for the major languages will be established, thus enabling the CLARIN project to set priorities which also take into account the concrete needs of humanities projects in WP3 and the infrastructure prototype building in WP2. While Task C3 is focussing on standards for LRT, task C4 is looking for gaps in the provision of LRT components.
Thank you for your attention CLARIN has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement n°