EuropeanaLocal - WP4
This workshop is…. This workshop is the start of WP4
Create a process whereby EuropeanaLocal participants benefit from and harmonise with infrastructure, standards, formalisms and tools emerging from Europeana which may impact on the activities of local/regional content providers From Europeana to EuropeanaLocal Overall objectives of WP4 (1/4)
Overall objectives of WP4 (2/4) Ensure EuropeanaLocal metadata is available for harvesting by Europeana in OAI-PMH compliant format according to the single-domain or cross-domain Europeana schemas and application profiles From EuropeanaLocal to Europeana
Overall objectives of WP4 (3/4) Ensure that the highly distributed and variously skilled and experienced EuropeanaLocal partners have adequate training, tools and technical support to ensure their ability to implement and utilise the basic infrastructural tools to enable their metadata and vocabularies to be harvested, registered and re-used effectively by Europeana. From Europeana to EuropeanaLocal
Overall objectives of WP4 (4/4) Provide taxonomies, thesauri and other subject vocabulary sets in use by EuropeanaLocal content providers for use in adding richness, precision and semantic interoperability in Europeana From EuropeanaLocal to Europeana
To wrap up…. Aim of WP4 to open, establish, maintain & sustain a two-way synergetic communication channel and implement a workflow between EuropeanaLocal and Europeana with mutual exchange of technical knowledge, best-practices, tools, training and support A big cross-fertilisation excercise
How are we going to achieve this cross-fertilisation?
Stuff to do in WP4 – Jan-May 09 Organise a knowledge transfer workshop Today & tomorrow Maintain the knowledge exchange Jan09 & onwards Review & delivery plan of available OAI & metadata tools – Feb09 Create online technical support materials May09 onwards Set up & maintain helpdesk May09
Aim of this workshop A.Transfer all relevant information & knowledge from TEL & Europeana networks to EuropeanaLocal technical partners B.Identify gaps/weak points in the available collection of OAI-tools, metadata converters, vocabularies, SKOS-tools etc and knowledge about this. What areas do we need to strengthen in? C.Decide on planning, workflow, division of responsibilities, deadlines, use of information systems, progress monitoring etc. D.Alignment between Europeana & EuropeanaLocal planning & expected developments Task 1.1 Knowledge transfer workshop
all contributing to….
Overall expected results of WP4 by M36 1.all EuropeanaLocal content co-ordinators comfortable and able to implement the technical processes necessary to contribute metadata to Europeana 2.local/regional metadata in Europeana- interoperable formats available from every participating country 3.straightforward procedures for other potential local/regional content suppliers to Europeana