1 Pensions Administration Lynn Wright Pensions Administration Manager
2 Pensions Administration Legislation changes Workloads - key figures 2014 scheme Automatic enrolment Communications Next year
3 Legislation changes Amendment regulations 2011 Pensions Increase regulations
4 Workflow – key figures Retirements1,465 20% Estimates2,779 11% Transfers In233 36% Transfers Out131 38% Deferred Benefits1,986 16%
Scheme Implementation Administration Communication with members
6 Automatic enrolment YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES: Know your staging date assess your workforce and identify who to automatically enrol choose a pension scheme register with the regulator provide workers with information about the changes process any opt-out and opt in notices make contributions avoid inducements and prohibited activity keep accurate records
7 Communication Employer liaison meetings End of year returns Helpdesk Correspondence
8 Employer liaison meetings Held: 20 th July 2011; 10 th January 2012; 16 th July 2012 Next one:13 th January 2013 Covering:legislation updates tax changes auto-enrolment retirement process absence
9 End of year returns 29 submitted by deadline (21 st April) 67 by the end of April Data cleanse paid dividends Even less queries than last year – 96% reduction in one employer alone
10 Helpdesk 2011/12 10,287 calls received 0.5% 8,235 s 12.5% Performance measured Quality monitored
11 Communication Annual benefit statements Presentations Correspondence
12 Next year Triennial valuation Automatic enrolment Consultation on 2014 scheme Regulations expected March 2013
13 Any Questions?