Idaho WITS User Group 8/6/2015
Today’s Agenda Welcome BPA Announcements Agency Updates WITS Updates Guest Speaker, Training Topic, Process/Workflow Q&A Adjourn
Welcome Thank you for attending today’s Idaho WITS User Group Meeting.
Discharge Process Clients discharged when they complete treatment or 30 days of inactivity. BPA will begin distributing information monthly with number of clients currently open in WITS with no activity in the past 30 days. Progress will be reviewed quarterly and compliance will impact the incentive payments. Training and technical assistance are available!!! BPA Announcements
Sentinel Events A sentinel event - includes any event that threatens the safe and efficient operations or involves violence or serious injury at a provider site or a provider activity. Provider Agency Requirements- Report any Sentinel Event immediately to BPA. Complete a Sentinel Event Report form detailing client and event information for BPA. Cooperate with Regional Coordinator follow-up. BPA Announcements
IDHW ATR 4 Updates Recovery Coaching Recovery Centers IDOC Updates IDJC Updates ISC Updates Agency Updates
GPRA Follow-up Guidance WITS Updates
WITS Help Desk Using the GPRA Follow-up Due Function Guest Speaker/Training
Questions? Q & A
Thank you for attending the IWUG For input, questions or potential topics: WITS Help Desk (208) (844) Adjourn