Comenius – ACE 2011 Active Citizenship Europe Project meeting Palermo Italy 6 November – 12 November AT1-COM
Agenda (updated) Recap of successful Monday activities (Palermo tour; Ubuntu) - thank you note Students’ workshop - gathering information - sharing ACE experience Teachers’ workshop - retrospective on ACE - details of current meeting - ACE planning
Students‘ workshop (experience) brainstorming personal involvement in ACE sharing work experience providing ACE materials from all partners update of table of organisations preparation of podcast viewing
Teachers‘ workshop minutes/scribe assigning invigilating for today’s students’ workshops results of evaluation of first year of the project (final reports) check on reorganisation of Comenius team outline of the aims of the meeting with main focus – updating of portfolio (Twinspace and Best Practice DVD) – collecting ideas for a strategic plan of intervention check of partners‘ details (mailing lists)mailing lists – Spanish contacts checking on podcast progress setting up evaluation criteria for visit
Teachers‘ workshop evaluation of visit – presentation of Stop Motion Animation followed by group discussion organisation of portfolio updates (workshop on Wednesday) – brainstorming and collecting of ideas – distribution of tasks (teachers and groups) setting aims for next meeting in Portugal due to ACE application - definite date and participants last week of February (according to Almaden minutes) suggested duration: Sunday 4 March (arrival) 10 March (depature) - school news sheet (Best practice and newsletter, reports) - video conference (Skype accounts)Skype accounts - online quiz: Young people now - final podcast - preparation for final meeting in Austria organisation of ACE Fair (logistics) outlook on meeting in Austria (ACE Fair – Fair ACE) - date April 2012 (updated) - numbers of participants Outlook on last term (January-July 2012) introduction to Polipedia (Austria) as active citizenship example information about Comenius Teacher Training (Austria/Italy) information about new ICT tools (Austria)
Workshop on Wednesday - Creating a shared folder with Best Practice examples as portfolio - Updating of Twinspace - Teachers’ supervision according to schedule
Final workshop Students' evaluation of meetings Teachers' evaluation of meeting Teachers' evaluation of project so far Closing ceremony Outlook: Visit of the Cappella Palatina and Palazzo Reale
February - April 2012 Regional activities Strategic plan of action “Active citizenship“ Finalising the portfolio International activities Project meeting in Portugal Presentation of portfolio, podcast and exchange Practical peer consulting Discussion Of sustainability measures Project meeting in Austria ACE fair Preparations for final reports Sustainability measures Inner school activities after meeting Home briefings Creation of multimedia products Updating of portfolios Evaluation of progress Specific plan of action Consulting
April - June/July 2012 International activities Final reports Activities for sustainability
Podcasting Podcasts 1) What does ACE stand for? (Portugal) 2) Who is involved in ACE?(Spain) 3) What is the main purpose of ACE?(Austria) 4) What has ACE achieved so far?(Turkey) 5) What is ACE going to do within the next three months? (UK/Austria) 6) Why could ACE be of interest for you? (Italy)
ACE Skype accounts Coordinator First name: WolfgangSurname: SKYPE-NAME: ACE-Krainer Password: palermo2011 First name: Maria JoséSurname: Marín SKYPE NAME: ACE-Arellano Passowrd: Palermo2011 First name: PatriziaSurname: SKYPE NAME: ACE-Guarneri Password: Palermo2011 First name: ElsaSurname: SKYPE NAME: ACE-ElsaGarcia Password: Palermo2011 First name: Mu ̈ geSurname: SKYPE NAME: ACE-Cakmak Password: Palermo2011