Data Submittals to AQS Nate Herbst Southern Ute Indian Tribe
2 Introduction to AQS What is the AQS? Where do monitoring data end up? Why is the AQS important? How are data submitted to AQS?
3 What is the AQS? AQS EPA air quality database –Contains Site and monitor data Raw data Summary data Precision and accuracy (P&A) data Air quality data come from –States –Cities and counties –Tribes
4 What is the AQS? (cont.) AQS just moved from client server to CDX web-based format Web-based format allows online submittals, retrievals Web-based version should make submitting data easier
5 Data Flow Diagram Analyzer collects data Data Acquisition System (DAS) stores data Data moved from DAS to computer on regular basis Raw data checked for errors Raw data compared with logbooks and other documentation
6 Data Flow Diagram (cont.) Null codes added for analyzer downtimes and errors Data submittal generated Data submittal saved as text file Data checked for errors before submittal Data submitted directly to AQS or via contact –Direct submittals require passwords, screener group access and AQS access privileges –If you don’t have AQS access, your EPA contact can submit your data
7 Types of Data Site and monitor data –Include site characteristics –Submitted only at start of monitoring or when network modifications occur Raw data –Submitted at least quarterly –Raw data yield summary data P & A data –Submitted at least quarterly
8 Data submittals Are Necessary Typically required by EPA –Unique circumstances Data are basic reason for monitoring Most tribal AQ programs send data to EPA contact EPA contact submits data to AQS You have 90 days after quarter ends to submit quarterly data
9 Data Submittals (cont.) Quarterly raw data and P&A data must be submitted Don’t put off any part of the process Be prompt if –You are submitting data directly –You are submitting data through EPA contact
10 Raw Data Data collected by analyzer Converted to AQS format –DAS software –EPA tools –Excel Data checked, additions made –Null codes added wherever needed Data checked to ensure correctness Data are submitted
11 Precision and Accuracy (P&A) Data Precision (repeatability) data Precision checks (with zero) 5-point verifications Accuracy (audit) data Audits by RO or other than RO P&A data very important –They validate your ambient data –Without P&A data, monitoring data are useless
12 P&A Data (cont.) Stored in –DAS –Logbooks and/or other documentation Converted to AQS format –DAS software –EPA tools (PARS software, Bill Frietche’s software) –Excel Checked and additions made –Null codes added wherever needed Checked to ensure they are correct Data are submitted
13 Data Submittal Format New AQS format RDIII08I067I7003I44201I1I1I007I053I I00:00I0.028I I Transaction type State County Site ID Parameter UnitsDate Start time Sample value Method POC Action code Sample duration
14 Data Submittal Format (cont.) Old AQS format (still loadable) Transaction type State County Site ID Parameter Units Date Start time - 8hr intervals (000, 080, 160) Sample values Method POC Sample duration I
15 Data-Loading Procedures Generate an AQS loadable file Check to make sure everything is O.K the file to your EPA contact if you don’t have AQS privileges If you do have AQS privileges follow the steps on the next slides
16 AQS Access Initially install AQS Web software available at Install JavaBean certificate at same address (under part 2 RegisterAQS.exe) Register on CDX (Central Data Exchange) at same address (under part 3 CDX registration) Go to: –Click “proceed to AQS” –Click “I agree to terms and want to proceed to AQS” –Log into AQS (username, password and database). –Click Admin tab and select Security synchronize passwords.
17 Data Loading (steps 1-5) 1.Logon to AQS Web (enter username and password) 2.Click Batch then click batch load when box pops up 3.Click get file on left side (attach data text file) 4.Click load file 5.Enter password AQS Web wasn’t released prior to publishing, so these steps may need to be done differently
18 Data Loading (steps 1-5) 6.Click Edit Load Summary a.Correct errors and resubmit data under Submit Corrected Data b.Click Edit Load Summary to recheck 7. Click Stat CR 8. Click Batch Report a.Get Scan Report b.Get Stat evaluation 9. Click Post if data are O.K (if not O.K fix them) 10. Click Raw Data and then Post Data to Production
19 Data-Loading Resources Follow AQSWeb data-loading protoco, found at It will be under AqsWebQuickRefGuideV1.pdf Other training materials found at ls.htm ls.htm
AQS Quick Reference Guide This diagram and more info found at Quick Ref web address listed on previous page
21 Summary Data submittals to AQS are necessary –Raw data –Precision data –Accuracy data Submit data within 90 days of quarter’s end Keep up with your data submittals and the monster will not become too big