Professional Reading “Teach Students to Care About Revision” Take a few minutes to skim article (available on the Wiki or the front of the room Please take a moment to sign in today
Regie Routman Public Content Conferences Session 8
Agenda Share your “Try It and Apply It” Writing Trait Conversation Discuss Professional Reading Video Break Public Conferences/Revision Grade Level Report Card Discussion Try It and Apply It Survey
Goals G Give positive feedback to students on their writing. R Review their writing and help them to edit. O Observe their writing skills. W Work on making it better!
Keep Your Eye On The Prize! Share with the people in your group: charting examples, demonstration examples, and student samples. What went well? What was frustrating? Give affirmative feedback. Each small group will share at least one good example of student writing with the large group. You might get a prize!!!
Connections with Writing Traits How does the programs teaching compare with Writing Traits? Turn to Session 7 page 6 Writing for an audience and purpose which is the heart of this program brings out the traits
Connections with Writing Traits a) Taking a whole pizza dividing it up, and then putting the parts back in the pizza pan. b) In-service Day : Blythe:: Happy Meal:Fries c) The skill is first demonstrated and then practiced as a whole, from start to finish. Then the parts of the skill are practiced in isolation. The individual elements are learned and weak areas addressed. Then the student practices the whole skill put back together again. d) Instructional conversation in which the learner is led by an expert-through specific questioning, encouragement, and modeling. What is whole-part-whole?
Professional Reading Teach Students to Care About Revision (Wiki) 1. Use student examples to demonstrate revisions such as adding describing words, sentence structure, and word usage. 2. What does revision look like in a K-1 classroom?
Video ( 35 minutes) (see pages 8-7 for student writing samples) Revisiting and Writing Introducing Public Content Conferences: Whole-Class Share (see page 8-2 section 5) Sara: “Frosted Flakes” Donna: “Princess of the Universe” Darion: “Leaving the Big Apple” Katherine: “My Hero”
Break Ten minutes
Your Vision of Revision Page 8-6 What Makes a Productive Conference? Remember to start with a celebration (starting with a positive) Use sample copy(ies) to come up with celebrations and questions you would ask the student
Grade Level Report Card Discussion Take 20 minutes to begin talking to your grade level team about report cards. Possible topics may include: Is their any part that needs clarification? How are you assessing your students and is it consistent across your grade level? Should any changes be considered for next year?
Try It & Apply It Conduct a public conference Bring sample of student’s writing with sticky notes, comments, suggestions Read “Conference with Students” and “Begin with Content Conference” Have professional conversations at your building
Online Survey Please take a moment to complete the online survey ed to you for this session