September 10-11, 2014 SWBAT: apply “active notetaking” strategies to self RELATIONSHIPS Pre-bellwork Organizational Tip: Cell phones-Away/Off Binder Agenda Highlighter AoW you were supposed to work on for last class—the FWD research New AoW (your team one) AGENDA Bellwork (25 minutes) Agenda (5 minutes) Workshop (45 minutes) Review AoW work Review Research work Assign new AoW Peace/Out (5 minutes) I start class as SOON as the bell rings. Be prepared.
September 10-11, 2014 SWBAT: apply “active notetaking” strategies to self RELATIONSHIPS Cornell notetaking PRACTICE I am checking your ability to take “active” notes when someone is talking. Heading =Lessons on changing the world Skinny= lessons Fat = examples/ideas/pictures Reflection at end AGENDA Bellwork (20 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Workshop (45 minutes) Passing Notes (25) Review Research work Team AoW work Peace/Out (5 minutes) More lessons. 10 total. WE DO 2 TODAY
September 10-11, 2014 SWBAT: apply “active notetaking” strategies to self UPCOMING- A DAY THIS WEEK 9/8 AoW assigned FWD Frosh year/Spring DONE (p46) 9/10 A4 Library time FWD Soph year/Fall DONE (p77) 9/12 Catch up/SSR A3 Library time FWD Packet #1 DUE AoW (research) DUE NEXT WEEK 9/16 FWD (p) DONE 9/18 AoW (team) DUE AoW Connections conversation FWD (p) DONE 9/23 FWD (p) DONE PACKET #2 DUE
September 10-11, 2014 SWBAT: apply “active notetaking” strategies to self UPCOMING- B DAY THIS WEEK 9/9 AoW assigned FWD Frosh year/Spring DONE (p46) 9/11 B4 Library time AoW (Research) DUE FWD Soph year/Fall DONE (p77) NEXT WEEK 9/15 FWD Packet #1 DUE 9/17 AoW (Team) Connections Conversation FWD (p) DONE 9/19 NO SCHOOL 9/22 FWD (p) DONE PACKET #2 DUE
September 10-11, 2014 SWBAT: apply “active notetaking” strategies to self RELATIONSHIPS AGENDA Bellwork (25 minutes) Agenda (5 minutes) Workshop (45 minutes) Review AoW work Review Research work Assign new AoW Peace/Out (5 minutes) HOMEWORK You have a FWD summary and project DUE in next class.
September 10-11, 2014 SWBAT: apply “active notetaking” strategies to self RELATIONSHIPS Relationships-good and bad- are one theme many authors write about. 1. Take out piece of paper MLA heading in left hand corner Heading: Oppression in FWD Bellwork (10 minutes) Agenda (5 minutes) Speedtalk (5 minutes) Skill/Activity (25 minutes) Video clip (5) Passing notes (20) Workshop (40 minutes) Discuss (5) Vocab (5) Assignment (10) Read/Group (20) Peace/Out (5 minutes)
September 10-11, 2014 SWBAT: apply “active notetaking” strategies to self RELATIONSHIPS Relationships-good and bad-are one theme many authors write about. 1.How/where do you see examples of oppression inside Freedom Writers Diary? Give specific examples, tell how your example connects to how the student is reacting... Bellwork (10 minutes) Agenda (5 minutes) Speedtalk (5 minutes) Skill/Activity (25 minutes) Video clip (5) Passing notes (20) Workshop (40 minutes) Discuss (5) Vocab (5) Assignment (10) Read/Group (20) Peace/Out (5 minutes)
September 10-11, 2014 SWBAT: apply “active notetaking” strategies to self RELATIONSHIPS Pass to teacher Teacher hands out OPEN NOTE NEW Prompt: 2. Give specific examples of how relationships have helped the students overcoming their adversity. A.RESPOND TO THIS OR B.WHAT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU WROTE FIVE MINUTES Bellwork (10 minutes) Agenda (5 minutes) Speedtalk (5 minutes) Skill/Activity (25 minutes) Video clip (5) Passing notes (20) Workshop (40 minutes) Discuss (5) Vocab (5) Assignment (10) Read/Group (20) Peace/Out (5 minutes) Ability to find/cite accurately
September 10-11, 2014 SWBAT: apply “active notetaking” strategies to self RELATIONSHIPS Pass to teacher Teacher hands out OPEN NOTE NEW QUESTION: 3. How do you relate to what the students in FWD are going through? A.RESPOND TO THIS OR B.WHAT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU WROTE FIVE MINUTES Bellwork (10 minutes) Agenda (5 minutes) Speedtalk (5 minutes) Skill/Activity (25 minutes) Video clip (5) Passing notes (20) Workshop (40 minutes) Discuss (5) Vocab (5) Assignment (10) Read/Group (20) Peace/Out (5 minutes) Text-Self Connection
SWBAT: apply “active notetaking” strategies to self RELATIONSHIPS Hand back to original author OPEN NOTE See if you can summarize the thoughts between you and the two people who commented. “All of us agreed...” “I found it interesting...” “I would have never thought to connect...” FIVE MINUTES Bellwork (10 minutes) Agenda (5 minutes) Speedtalk (5 minutes) Skill/Activity (25 minutes) Video clip (5) Passing notes (20) Workshop (40 minutes) Discuss (5) Vocab (5) Assignment (10) Read/Group (20) Peace/Out (5 minutes) Summary Skill
September 10-11, 2014 SWBAT: apply “active notetaking” strategies to self RELATIONSHIPS AGENDA Bellwork (25 minutes) Agenda (5 minutes) Quiz (10 minutes) Workshop (45 minutes) Review AoW work Review Research work Assign new AoW Peace/Out (5 minutes) MLA heading 12 point/Times New Roman/Double Space TITLE: FWD Summary/Connections Paragraph 1 (USE THE IVF TOOL) Paragraph 2 make a connection using themselves? For those going to the lab today...
September 10-11, 2014 SWBAT: apply “active notetaking” strategies to self RELATIONSHIPS AGENDA Bellwork (25 minutes) Agenda (5 minutes) Workshop (45 minutes) Review AoW work Review Research work Assign new AoW Peace/Out (5 minutes) Assignment: Claim/Relate/Defend Claim: The article fits with FWD/ our theme. I assign articles You break into teams. 1. Team/ Read 2. Team/ Annotate 3. Individual/ Summarize 4. Individual/ Connect You will eventually present to your peers. AoW #2 (Teamwork) These are the steps
September 10-11, 2014 SWBAT: apply “active notetaking” strategies to self RELATIONSHIPS AGENDA Bellwork (25 minutes) Agenda (5 minutes) Workshop (45 minutes) Review AoW work Review Research work Assign new AoW Peace/Out (5 minutes) Assignment: Claim/Relate/Defend Claim: The article fits with FWD/ our theme. You will eventually present to your peers. AoW #2 (Teamwork) “Ferguson” 1. IVF 2. “I can see how this article relates...” 3. FWD is about, this article..’ “Segregated Prom” 1. IVF 2. “I can’t believe that in this day and age...” 3. FWD is about, this article... “Green Cards” 1. IVF 2. “I remember hearing about this...” 3. FWD is about, this article... “Omaha Dangerous” 1. IVF 2. “I find it interesting htat they printed a retraction...” 3. FWD is about, this article...
September 10-11, 2014 SWBAT: apply “active notetaking” strategies to self RELATIONSHIPS AGENDA Bellwork (25 minutes) Agenda (5 minutes) Workshop (45 minutes) Review AoW work Review Research work Assign new AoW Peace/Out (5 minutes) Write on a piece of scratch paper Name/Teacher/Block/Date Using declarative AND an adjective… Tell me something about Ms. Gruwell. What type of sentence is that?